Projectile Point Identification Guide

Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points from the

Far West Region




Name Picture Shape Size Cultural Period Validity
Agate Basin Ovoid to Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Agava Knife
AKA for Mescal Knife
Triangle Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic AKA Type
Alamo Expanding Stemmed Large to Very Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Alberta Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Albion Head
AKA: Mendocino Side Notch
Side Notch Medium Middle to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Alkali Stemmed Small Developmental / Late Prehistory Valid Type
(Elko Series)
Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic Cultural Type
Amargosa Type I
AKA for Ventana Amargosa
Stemmed Small to Medium Middle Archaic AKA Type
Ano Nuevo Contracting Stem Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Antelope Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Bald Mountain
Borax Lake Variant
      More Information Needed
Bare Creek
AKA for Gatecliff Split Stem
Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Sub-type or AKA for Gatecliff Split Stem
Bear River Side Notch Small Late Developmental to Classic Valid Type
Big Valley Stemmed Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Birch Creek Type A Lanceolate to Triangle Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Birch Creek Type B Ovoid Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Black Rock Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Bliss Type A Contracting Stem Small Developmental Valid Type
Bliss Type B Contracting Stem Small Developmental Valid Type
Borax Lake Stemmed Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Buchanan Eared Auriculate Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Buck Gully
Triangle Small Developmental Provisional Type
Bucks Lake Stemmed Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Sub-type for Borax Lake
Cache Creek Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Canalino Shallow Tail and Coastal Cottonwood
Triangle Small Classic to Historic Valid Type
Cascade Ovoid Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Cascade Bi-Point
AKA: Kennewick
Ovoid / Bi-Point Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Cascade Knife Ovoid Medium to Very Large Early to Middle Archaic Collector's Type
Cascade Shouldered Contracting Stem Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Channel Island Barbed Contracting Stem Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
AKA for Malaga Cove
Coastal Cottonwood
Ovoid Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
Clear Lake Side Notch Small Developmental to Classic Valid Type
Clikapudi Corner to Side Notch Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Clovis Auriculate / Lanceolate Small to Large Paleo Valid Type
Clovis - Tulare Lake
AKA: Tulare Lake
Lanceolate Small to Medium Paleo Sub-Type of Clovis
Clovis Unfluted Auriculate / Lanceolate Small to Large Paleo Valid Type
Coastal Cottonwood
AKA for Canalino
Triangle Small Developmental AKA Type
Coastal Cottonwood Leaf
AKA for Malaga Cove
and Chumash
Ovoid Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
Cody Knife Other Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Comondu Triangular Side Notch Small to Medium Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Comondu Serrated Side Notch Small to Medium Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Contra Costa Contracting Stem Small to Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Copsey Bi-Point Ovoid Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type (possible re-worked Excelsior points)
Cottonwood Leaf Ovoid Small Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Cottonwood Triangle Small Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Cougar Mountain Contracting Stem Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Crescent Knife Other Small to Medium Paleo Valid Type
Descanso Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Desert Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Desert Corner Notch
AKA for Elko Corner Notch
Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Archaic AKA Type
Desert Delta Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Desert Redding Side Notch Small to Medium Classic Valid Type
Desert Sierra Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Desert Stemmed
AKA for Rose Springs Stemmed
Stemmed Small Developmental AKA Type
Diablo Canyon Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Dos Cabezas Triangle   Developmental Valid Type
Drill Other Small to Large Paleo to Historic Valid Type
Early Leaf Ovoid Medium to Very Large Early Archaic More Information Needed
Eastgate Basal Notch Small Developmental / Late Prehistory Valid Type
Eastgate Split Stem Basal Notch / Bifurcated Small Developmental / Late Prehistory Valid Type
AKA: Yuma
Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
El Zacateco        
Elko Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Elko Corner Notch Corner Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Elko Eared Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Elko Split Stem Expanding Stemmed Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Emigrant Springs Basal Notch Small Developmental Collector Type
En Medio
San Pedro Variant
Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic San Pedro Variant
Excelsior Contracting Stem to  Ovoid Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Firstview Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Fish Slough Side Notch Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Folsom Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Foresthill Notched Side Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Gatecliff Split Stem
Stemmed / Bifurcated Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Gatecliff Contracting Stem Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Green River Lanceolate Small Middle Archaic Valid Type
Guajademi Split Stem Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Guerrero Negro Triangle Medium to Large Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Gunther Barbed
AKA:  Camas Valley, Mad River, Molly, Molalla, Rogue River, Shasta, Sutter Valley
Basal Notch Small Developmental to Classic Valid Type
Gunther Triangle
AKA: U-Back
Triangle Small Developmental to Classic Collector Type
Gypsum Cave
AKA: Lobo, Park Point
Contracting Stem Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Haskett Type I Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Haskett Type II Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
(More Information Needed)
Corner Notch      
Hells Canyon Corner Notch Small to Medium Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Hells Canyon Basal Notch Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental to Historic Valid Type
Hot Creek Expanding Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Houx . Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Huamalgueno Ovoid to Triangular Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Humboldt Lanceolate Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Humboldt Basal Notch Lanceolate Small to Medium  Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Humboldt Constricted Base Lanceolate Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Humboldt Expanded Base Auriculate Lanceolate Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Jalama Side Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Jatay Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Cultural Type
(More Information Needed)
Keel Scrapper
AKA for McKee
Ovoid Medium Middle Archaic AKA Type
Kelsey Creek Barbed Expanding Stemmed Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
AKA for Cascade Bi-Point
Ovoid Medium to Large Transitional Paleo AKA type
La Jolla Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Cultural Type
La Paz Contracting Stem Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Lake Mojave Contracting Stemmed Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Little Lake
AKA for Pinto Basin
Stemmed Medium Late Archaic AKA Type
Little Pico Creek
(More Information Needed)
Ovoid Large Transitional Archaic to Developmental Provisional Type
AKA for Gypsum Cave
Contracting Stem Medium Late Archaic AKA Type
Loreto Contracting Stem Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Luepp Side Notch
AKA for Ventana Side Notch
Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Madeline Dunes
AKA for Northern Side Notch
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic AKA / Site Specific Type
Madonna Side Notch Small Classic - Historic Valid Type
Malaga Cove Leaf
AKA: Chumash and Coastal Cottonwood
Ovoid Small to Medium Developmental Valid Type
Manuela Contracting Stem Small to Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Martis Side Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
AKA: Malaga Cove Stemmed
Stemmed Small Developmental - Late Prehistory Valid Type
Mayacmas Corner to Side Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
McGillivray Expanding Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Keel Scrapper
Ovoid Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Mendocino Concave Lanceolate Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Mendocino Side Notch
AKA for Albion Head
Side Notch Medium Middle to Transitional Archaic AKA Type
Mescal Knife
AKA: Agava Knife
Triangle Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
AKA for Gunther
Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
AKA for Gunther
Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
Mostin Pentagonal Triangle Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Mount Albion Expanding Stem Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Nawthis Side Notch Medium Developmental Valid Type
Need Stemmed Lanceolate Side Notch Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Nightfire Side Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Collector Type
Norden Basal Notch Basal Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Northern Side Notch
AKA: Silent Snake
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Owl Cave Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Collector Type
Panamint Stemmed
Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Panoche Side Notch Small Classic to Historic Valid Type
Park Point
AKA for Gypsum Cave
Contracting Stem Medium Late Archaic AKA Type
Parman Stemmed Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Parowan Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental Valid Type
Pinto Basin Barbed Shoulder Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Pinto Basin Sloping Shoulder Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Pinto Basin Square Shoulder Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Pinto Basin Shoulderless Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Point Sal Barbed Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Price Ranch Triangle Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Rattlesnake Corner Notch Small Developmental to Classic Valid Type
Rocker Side Notch Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Rocker Side Notch- Elko Variant Side to Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Variant Type
Rocker Corner Notch - Elko Variant Side to Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Variant Type
Rocker Sudden Variant Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Variant Type
Rogue River
AKA for Gunther Barbed
Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
Roma Contracting Stem Small   Provisional Type
Rose Springs Corner Notch
AKA: Rosegate
Corner Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
Rose Springs Side Notch Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
Rose Springs Sloping Shoulder Stemmed Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
Rose Springs Stemmed
AKA: Desert Stemmed
Stemmed Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
AKA for Rose Springs and Eastgate
Corner Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental AKA Type
Rossi Square Stem Stemmed Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Rossi Expanding Stem Expanding Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Round Valley Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Salmon River Fishtail Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
San Felipe Varies Small Late Prehistoric to Historic Lithic Material type
San Jose Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
San Luis Side Notch Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Archaic Provisional Type
San Pedro
AKA: En Medio, Hueco, and Basketmaker II
Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
San Rafael Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Scottsbluff Type I Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Scottsbluff Type II Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Shoshone Knife
AKA for Wahmuza
Ovoid Medium to Large Developmental to Classic AKA Type
Sierra Contracting Stem Contracting Stem Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Silent Snake
AKA for Northern Side Notch
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic AKA type
Silver Lake Stemmed Small to Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Squaw Mountain Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Collector Type
Stanislaus Stemmed Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Steamboat Lanceolate Ovoid Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Stockton Corner Notch Corner Notch Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Stockton Curve Other Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Stockton Leaf Leaf Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Stockton Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Stockton Stemmed Stemmed Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Sudden Side Notch Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Sutter Contracting Stem
Gunther Variant
Contracting Stem Small Developmental to Classic / Late Prehistoric Gunther Variant
Timponogus Blade Ovoid Medium to Large Developmental to Classic Cultural Type
Triangular Knife Triangle Medium to Large Late Archaic Collector Type
Triple T
Humboldt Variant
Lanceolate Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Variant Type
Tulare Lake
AKA: Tulare Lake Clovis
Lanceolate Small to Medium Late Paleo Valid Sub-Type
Tulare Lake Bi-Point Ovoid Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Tuolumne Notched Side Notch Large Late to Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
AKA for Gunther Triangle
Triangle Small to Medium Developmental AKA Type
Uinta Side Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Vallecito Side Notch Small Classic to Historic Provisional Type
Vandenberg Contracting Stem Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Ventana Amargosa
AKA: Amargosa Type I
Stemmed Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Ventana Side Notch
AKA:L Luepp Side Notch and Squaw Mountain
Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Vizcaino Corner Notch Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Shoshone Knife
Ovoid Medium to Large Developmental to Classic Valid Type
Wealth Blade Ovoid Large to Very Large Developmental to  Historic Valid Type
Wendover Expanding Stem Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Willits Side Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Windust Type A Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Windust Type B Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Windust Type C Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Winitu / Desert Redding
Side Notch Small to Medium Historic Cultural Type
Yana / Shasta Complex
Gunther Barbed Variant
Contracting Stem Small Developmental to Historic Cultural Type
Yosemite Contracting Stem Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Zacatecas Stemmed to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type