This is a medium to large lanceolate blade with an elliptical cross section. The blade may vary from excurvate, straight, or recurvate curving in at the tip and flaring out at the shoulder. The shoulders are weak to absent and at an upward angle. The stem is contracting with a pointed to convex base. The hafting region has basal grinding. This point may have a random to parallel horizontal flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 50 to 140 mm (average 65 to 85 mm), Blade Width - 21 to 44 mm
This point is primarily found in the Columbia River basin and Snake River basin, and into the Great Basin. The Red represent s the common distribution of this knife. This point is associated with the Shoshone Culture and may be distributed throughout that territory which includes the red and extends into Nevada and California (yellow). Similar blades found in central Utah would be considered a Timpanogos Blade (green) which is part of the Ute culture.
Holmer was a well-respected pioneering anthropologist who as a driving force at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah. This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.