Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Cougar Mountain
Name Details:
Identified By:  Thomas N. Laytom
Named For:  Type Site
Date Identified:  1968
Type Site:  Cougar Mountain Cave, Oregon
Point Validity: Valid type

Layton is a distinguished anthropologist and a Professor Emeritus at San Jose University.  He has published many professional publications and is an expert on western archaeology.  This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is considered a valid type.
Cougar Mountain Stemmed
Cluster: Great Basin Stemmed Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium to large triangular contracting stemmed point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade is excurvate with the blade curving in at the tip and curving back in towards the shoulders.  The shoulders are weak and may vary from having an upward angle to being rounded.  The stem long and contracting, making up one third to one half of the total length of the point.  The base is convex.  Hafting region grinding is present on this point and it has a random flaking pattern.   
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 55 to 150 mm (average 70 to 100 mm),  Stem Length - 30 to 90 mm (typically 1/2 to 1/3 the total length),  Blade Width - 14 to 43 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in the northern Great Basin  into the Snake River Plain, to the southern Cascades of Oregon and into the northern sierra Nevada's of California.  This point is most likely found throughout the Great Basin.
Age / Periods:
Date: 11,000 - 9,000 B.P.
Cultural Period: Transitional Paleo
Glacial Period: Late Pleistocene to Early
Culture: Western Stemmed Tradition
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Agate Basin, Haskett, Lake Mojave, Lind Coulee, Parman, Shaniko, Wildcat Canyon, Windust
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Lake Mojave, Lind Coulee, Silver Lake

Pictures Provided By:
Robin Micheal
Western Artifacts
Windy City Artifacts

Cougar Mountain Projectile Point, Cougar Mountain Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

16, 23, 30, 39