Projectile Point Identification Guide

Alphabetical Listing of Projectile Points of






Name Picture Shape Size Cultural Period Validity
Adena Stemmed Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Adena Blade Ovoid Large Late Archaic to Woodland Preform Type
Adena Dickson
AKA for Dickson
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Adena Narrow Blade Stemmed Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Adena Robins
AKA: Robins
Stemmed Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Adena Snapped Base Stemmed Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Collector Type
Adena Vanishing Stem Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Collector Type
Adena Waubesa
AKA for Waubesa
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland AKA Type
Agate Basin Ovoid to Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Alberta Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
AKA for James "Jimmy" Allen
Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo AKA Type
Angostura Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Ansell Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Woodland Valid Type
Anzick Clovis Lanceolate Large Paleo Valid Type
Apple Blossom Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Apple Creek Corner Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Atalissa Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Avonlea Carmichael
AKA: Carmichael
Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental Valid Type
Avonlea Gull Lake
AKA: Gull Lake
Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental Valid Type
Avonlea Timber Ridge
AKA: Timber Ridge
Side Notch Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental Valid Type
AKA for Ferry
Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle Archaic AKA Type
Beaver Lake
AKA: Cumberland Un-Fluted
Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Belknap Contracting Stem Medium Woodland Valid Type
Black Sand
AKA for Godar
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic AKA Type
Bottleneck Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Browns Valley Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Burroughs Ovoid Small to Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Cahokia Side Notch Small to Medium Mississippian Valid Type
AKA for Avonlea Carmichael
Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental AKA Type
Cedar Valley Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Cherokee Contracting Stem Medium Early Archaic Sub-Type of the Hells Gap
Clovis Auriculate / Lanceolate Small to Large Paleo Valid Type
Clovis - St Louis
AKA: St. Louis
Lanceolate Medium to Large Paleo Sub-Type for Clovis
Clovis Unfluted Auriculate / Lanceolate Small to Large Paleo Valid Type
Cobbs Triangle Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Cody Knife Other Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Conrad Expanding Stem Medium Middle Archaic Provisional Type
Copena Lanceolate Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Copena Triangular
AKA: Florida Copena
Triangle Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Creston Corner Notch Medium Woodland Valid Type
Cumberland Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Cumberland Unfluted
AKA for Beaver Lake
Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Cupp Corner Notch Medium to Large Mississippian / Prehistoric Valid Type
Dalton Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Dalton Hemphill Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Dalton Sloan Auriculate Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Dayton Corner Notch Medium Woodland Valid Type
Des Moines Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
AKA: Adena Dickson
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
AKA for St. Charles Dovetail
Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic AKA Type
Drill Other Small to Large Paleo to Historic Valid Type
Duncan   Stemmed Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Durst   Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Early Ovoid Knife Side Notch / Ovoid Medium to Very Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Eastern Stemmed Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Generic Type
AKA: Yuma
Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Eden Eared Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Etley Stemmed to Expanding Stem Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Fayette Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Dalton Sub-Type / Valid Type
AKA: Barbeau
Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Florence Stemmed to Contracting Stem Medium to Large Woodland Provisional Type
Folsom Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Fort Dodge Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Four Bevel Knife
AKA for Harahey
Ovoid / Diamond Large Mississippian AKA Type
Fox Valley Bifurcated Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Small to Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Frederick Lanceolate Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
AKA Turkey Tail Fulton
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Gainey Fluted Auriculate Lanceolate Medium to Large Late Paleo Valid Type
Gibson Corner Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Go Kart
Etley Variant
Expanding Stem Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Black Sand
Side Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Goshen Lanceolate Medium Late Paleo Valid Type
Graham Cave Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Grand Corner Notch Medium Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
(More Information Needed)
Gull Lake
AKA for Avonlea Gull Lake
Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental AKA Type
AKA: Four Bevel Knife
Ovoid Large Mississippian Valid Type
Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardin Barbed Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardin Knobbed Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardove Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
AKA for Turkeytail Harrison
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland AKA Type
Heavy Duty Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
AKA for Turkeytail Hebron
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland AKA Type
Hell Gap Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Helton Expanding Stem Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Hi-Lo Lanceolate Small to Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Hickory Ridge Side Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Hidden Valley
AKA: Rice Contracting Stem
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
(More Information Needed)
Triangle   Middle Archaic  
(More Information Needed)
Hixton Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Holland Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Hollenberg Stemmed Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Holston Side Notch
AKA for Durst
Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic AKA Type
Hopewell Corner Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Huffaker Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
James "Jimmy" Allen
AKA: Allen
Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Jordan Corner Notch Medium Middle Archaic Collector Type
Karnak Blade Contracting Stem / Ovoid Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Karnak Stemmed Contracting Stem Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Klunk Side Notch Small Woodland Valid Type
Koster Corner Notch Small Woodland Valid Type
Kramer Stemmed Medium Lanceolate Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Lamoka Stemmed to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
LeCroy Stemmed / Bifurcated Small Early Archaic Valid Type
Lehigh Stemmed Medium to Large Woodland Provisional Type
Lerma Bi-Point Ovoid Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Lerma Round Base Ovoid Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Little Sioux Side Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Logan Creek Side Notch Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Long Point
AKA for Angostura
Lanceolate Medium to Large Early Archaic AKA type
Lost Island Contracting Stem Small to Medium Woodland Valid Type
Madison Triangle Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Madison Side Notch Side Notch Medium Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Manker Corner Notch Medium Woodland Valid Type
Mason Contracting Stem Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Matanzas Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Maynes Creek Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Provisional Type
McCoy Expanding Stem Medium Middle Woodland Valid Type
McKean Lanceolate Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Merom Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small Late Archaic Valid Type
Meserve Lanceolate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Mills Side Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
Monona Expanding Stem Small to Medium Woodland Valid Type
Motley Expanding Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Mund Expanding Stem Small to Medium Late Woodland Valid Type
Nebo Hill Lanceolate Large Late Archaic Valid Type
Neuberger Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Willow Leaf
Ovoid Medium Late Mississippian Valid Type
Nodena Banks
AKA: Banks
Ovoid Medium Late Mississippian Valid Type
North Bi-Face Ovoid Large Late Archaic to Woodland Cache Blade / Preform
Norton Corner Notch Medium to Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Okoboji Corner Notch Small Late Woodland Valid Type
Osceola Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
AKA: Parkdale (Minnesota)
Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
AKA Small Kirk Corner Notch
Corner Notch Small Early Archaic Valid Type
Peisker Diamond Contracting Stem Medium to Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Pelican Lake
Corner Notch Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Pike County Auriculate Large Late Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Plains (Late) Knife Ovoid Medium Classic to Prehistoric Collector Type
Plains Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Classic to Historic Valid Type
Plains Triangular Knife (Notched Form)
Side Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Classic to Prehistoric Valid Type
Plains Triangular Knife
(Un-Notched Form)
Triangle Medium to Large Classic to Prehistoric Valid Type
Plainview Lanceolate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Poag Stemmed Stemmed Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Prairie Side Notch Side Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Pulaski Corner Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Quad Auriculate Medium Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Raddatz Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Ramey Knife Ovoid Very Large Mississippian Valid Type
Red Ocher Leaf Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Reed Side Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Reigh Side Notch Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Rice Contracting Stem
AKA for Hidden Valley
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic AKA Type
Rice Lobed Expanding Stem /. Bifurcated Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Rice Shallow Notch Side Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
AKA: Adena Robins
Stemmed Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Rochester Stemmed Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Ross Barbed Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Ross Notched Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Ross Blade Lanceolate Large to Very Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Samantha Arrow Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Samantha Dart
Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Scallorn Corner Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Scottsbluff Type I Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Scottsbluff Type II Stemmed Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Sedalia Lanceolate Medium to Large Late Archaic Valid Type
Simonsen Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Snyder Corner Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
St. Albans Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
St. Charles Dovetail
AKA: Dovetail
Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
St. Croix Corner Notch Small Woodland Valid Type
St. Louis
AKA Clovis St. Louis
Lanceolate Medium to Large Paleo AKA type
Standlee Contracting Stem Medium Middle Woodland Valid Type
Steuben Expanding Stem Small to Medium Woodland Valid Type
Stilwell Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Table Rock Expanding Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic Valid Type
Tama Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Diagonal Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Dogleg Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Square Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes E Notch
AKA: Keyhole Thebes
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Timber Ridge
AKA for Avonlea Timber Ridge
Side Notch Small to Medium Late Woodland / Developmental AKA Type
Tipton Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Turin Side Notch Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Turkeytail Fulton
AKA: Fulton
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Turkeytail Harrison
AKA: Harrison
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Turkeytail Hebron
AKA: Hebron
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Union Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle Woodland Provisional Type
Wadlow Lanceolate Large to Very Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Washita Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
AKA: Adena Waubesa
Contracting Stem Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Webster Side Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
Wolf Creek Side Notch Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type