Projectile Point Identification Guide

Notched Projectile Points of






Name Picture Shape Size Cultural Period Validity
Side Notch          
Ansell Side Notch to Expanding Stem Medium Early to Middle Woodland Valid Type
Big Sandy Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy Broad Base Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy Contracting Base / Big Sandy Auriculate Side Notch / Bifurcated Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy E Notch
AKA: Key Notch
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Big Sandy Leighton Base
AKA: Leighton
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Brannon Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Cache River Side Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Cahokia Side Notch Small to Medium Mississippian Valid Type
Cairo Side Notch Side Notch Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Chesterfield Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Collier Side Notch Medium Mississippian Valid Type
Cossatot River Type A Expanding Stem to Side Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Cupp Corner Notch to Side Notch Medium to Large Mississippian / Prehistoric Valid Type
Dalton Breckenridge
AKA: Breckenridge
Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo Valid Type
Dalton Greenbrier Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Dalton Hemphill Auriculate Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Des Moines Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Early Ovoid Knife Side Notch / Ovoid Medium to Very Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
AKA Turkey Tail Fulton
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
AKA: Black Sand
Side Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Graham Cave Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Greenbrier Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardaway Side Notch /Bifurcated Small to Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardaway Palmer Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Early Archaic Collector Type
Haskell Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Hemphill Side Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Hickory Ridge Side Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Howard County Side Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Huffaker Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Klunk Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small Woodland Valid Type
Matanzas Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Merkle Side Notch / Stem Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Morris Side Notch / Bifurcated Small Mississippian Valid Type
Osceola Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Pocola Side Notch / Bifurcated Small Late Woodland to Early Mississippian Valid Type
Raddatz Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Reed Side Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Rice Shallow Notch Side Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Robinson Side Notch Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Sallisaw Side Notch to Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Small Mississippian Valid Type
Savage Cage Side Notch Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Schild Spike Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small to Medium Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Schrugtown Side Notch Small Middle Mississippian Valid Type
Simonsen Side Notch Medium to Large Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Thebes E Notch
AKA: Keyhole Thebes
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
(Riverton Series)
Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small Late Archaic Valid Type
Turin Side Notch Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Turkeytail Fulton
AKA: Fulton
Side Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Turkeytail Harrison
AKA: Harrison
Side Notch to Contracting Stem Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Washita Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Washita Peno Side Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
White River Side Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Corner Notch          
Afton Corner Notch
AKA: Pentagonal Knife (Ohio River Valley)
Corner Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic Valid Type
Apple Creek Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Big Creek Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Carter Corner to Side Notch Medium to Large Woodland Provisional Type
Current River Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
AKA: Fracture Base Point
Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small to Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Edgefield Scraper Corner to Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Gibson Corner Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
Grand Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardove Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Helton Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Hopewell Corner Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
AKA: Patterson Springs Side Notch
Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Kirk Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Lost Lake
AKA: Deep Notch
Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Lundy Corner Notch to Side Notch Small to Medium Mississippian / Late Caddoan Collector Type
Manker Corner Notch Medium Woodland Valid Type
Neuberger Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
AKA Small Kirk Corner Notch
Corner Notch Small Early Archaic Valid Type
Pine Tree Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium Early Archaic Valid Type
Pulaski Corner Notch to Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Scallorn Corner Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Sequoyah Expanding Stem / Corner Notch Small Late Woodland to Early Mississippian Valid Type
Snyder Corner Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Woodland Valid Type
Sorter's Bluff Corner Notch Small Late Archaic Provisional Type
Springly Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
St. Charles Dovetail
AKA: Dovetail
Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Stilwell Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Diagonal Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Dogleg Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Thebes Square Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Wanda Corner Notch to Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Warrick Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Weems Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medium Early Woodland Valid Type
Basal Notch          
Calf Creek Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Earbob Ferry Basal Notch to Expanding Stem Medium Woodland Provisional Type
Kampsville Stemmed / Basal Notch Medium to Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Late Archic Barbed
Round Base
Stemmed to Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic Provisional Type
Late Archic Barbed
Straight Base
Stemmed to Expanding Stem Medium Late Archaic Provisional Type
Mehlville Basal Notch Large Late Archaic Valid Type
Ross Barbed Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Ross Notched Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Woodland Valid Type
Smith Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Wade Expanding Stem to Basal Notched Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type