Materials Identification Guide

West Virginia Lithic Material


Name Natural Non-heat treated points Heat treated points Color details Primary found in: Associated Formation / Member
Allentown Chert Ranges from a medium to dark gray with white streamers with banding commonly present.  Oolitic and stromatolitic. Northwestern West Virginia Allentown Formation 
Allentown Quartzite   Ranges from a very light gray to a medium light gray. Northwestern West Virginia Allentown Formation
Antietam Quartzite
AKA: Erwin-Antietam Quartzite
  Ranges from bright white to light gray, tan, brown, pink, or red, a greenish brown variation is reported Eastern West Virginia Antietam Formation of the Chilhowee Group
(Generic type)
  Light to dark green, but may range to various shades of gray. North America Varies
Arnolds Valley Jasper
AKA: Rockbridge Jasper
  Ranges in color from yellow to red with white streaks of quart. Eastern West Virginia Chilhower Group
Beekmantown Chert
AKA: Narrows Chert
Dark gray often fossiliferous. Eastern West Virginia Beekmantown Formation
Bellefonte Chert Ranges from a light to medium gray Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia Bellefonte Dolomite Formation of the Beekmantown Group. 
Berea Sandstone   Ranges in color from a light gray to a buff West Virginia Waverly Group
Boggs Chert
AKA: Blunt Run Chert
Ranges in color from a dark gray to black with numerous white or light colored speckles from fossils Northwestern West Virginia Boggs Member of the Pottsville Formation
Breathitt Chert Range from a dark chocolate brown to a black or from shades of brownish green to tan with tan or yellow inclusions are often present. Western West Virginia Breathitt Formation 
Breccia Quartzite     West Virginia  
Brush Creek Chert
AKA: Crooksville Chert, Hughes River Chert
Varies in color from a tan to a brown olive or light green Northwestern West Virginia Brush Creek Limestone Formation, Conemaugh Group
Cambridge Chert Gray colored chert Northern West Virginia Cambridge Member of the Conemaugh Formation
Cannel Coal   Ranges from dark gray to black Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Texas, and Nova Scotia.  
Catoctin Greenstone
AKA: Catoctin Metabasalt
  Ranges from a green to a greenish gray or gray. Northeastern West Virginia Catoctin Formation
Catoctin Metarhyolite
AKA: Highland Metarhyolite
  Ranges from a gray to a  bluish gray, blue, or purple.  Banding, mottling, or breccia with a tannish color may be present. Northeastern West Virginia Catoctin Formation
Chepultepec Chert Ranges from yellow to white and oolitic Eastern West Virginia Chapultepec Member of the Knox Formation
Chilhowee Mudstone   greenish-gray in color Southern West Virginia Chilhowee Group
Conococheague Chert Ranges from a gray to a bluish gray, brownish gray, or black.  Small blue to white inclusions may be present. Southern West Virginia Conococheague Limestone Formation
Copper Ridge Chert Ranges in color from medium to dark gray to black Eastern West Virginia Copper Ridge Member of the Knox formation
Crystal Quartz   clear colorless stone similar to clear glass Eastern North America  
Fishpot Chert Primarily light to dark brown and gray in color.  High quality  similar to chalcedony.  Light banding with small bluish gray chalcedony inclusions. Northern West Virginia Fishpot Limestone Member of the  Monongahela Formation
Flint Ridge Chert /Chalcedony
AKA: Van Port Chert, Raccoon Creek Chert
White to bluish hues with bands of light gray, reds, and yellows West Virginia Van Port Member of the Allegheny Formation
Flint Run Jasper   Mottled mustard yellow to brown, but gray, red, blue, and green also occur as streaking or inclusions and quartz inclusions. Northeastern West Virginia Between the Beekmantown Formation and the Blue Ridge Formation  
Fort Payne Chert
AKA: Iuka Chert, Lauderdale Chert
  Ranges in color from black to a grayish blue, or white to a bluish white.  Bluish gray is the predominate color with bluish hues Southern West Virginia Fort Payne Formation
Greenbrier Chert
AKA: Alderson Chert
Ranges in color from light to dark grays, browns, black, and pale red. Southeastern West Virginia Greenbrier Formation
Greenfield Chert Ranges from a light to dark gray with white chalcedony / quartz inclusions.. Western West Virginia Greenfield formation, Saline Group
Hardy Creek Chert Ranges from a brown to a gray or an olive black Southern West Virginia Hardy Creek Limestone Formation
Helderberg Chert Ranges from mottled white to light cream, light gray, and light blue commonly mottled and fossiliferous.  Northeastern West Virginia Helderberg Group
Hillsdale Chert Black weathering gray. Southern West Virginia Hillsdale Limestone Formation
Hunterville Chert  Ranges from a yellowish gray to a gray or dark gray. Southeastern West Virginia Hunterville Chert Formation of the Oriskany Group
Kanawha Black Chert Vary from a black to a bluish black /gray to a dark gray West Virginia Kanawha Formation, Pottsville Group 
Knox Chert   Dark blue to bluish gray with translucent mottling.  Red Knox Chert has a reddish color with slight mottling. Eastern West Virginia Knox Formation
Lenoir Chert Dark Gray Southwestern West Virginia Lenoir Limestone Formation
Libertytown Metarhyolite Ranges from a dark purplish to a bluish black or red with macrophenocycts of pink and white feldspar. Northeastern West Virginia Libertytown Metarhyolite Formation
Longview Chert Primarily reddish, but white to gray colors do occur Eastern West Virginia Longview Member of the Knox formation
Lower Mercer Chert Bluish gray color with quartz inclusions. Northwestern West Virginia Lower Mercer Member of the Pottsville Formation
Meadow Mountain Chert   Mottled blue gray with white streaks present.
Northern West Virginia Possible Foreknob Formation
Nethers Chert
Flint Ridge Chert variation
AKA: Ribbon Chert
Banded with colors ranging from light gray to black, pink to red, or tan to brown West Virginia Van Port Member of the Allegheny Formation
New Market Chert
AKA: Row Park Chert
Ranges from a dark gray to black. Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland New Market Limestone Formation of the St. Paul Group
New Scotland Chert
AKA: Corriganville Chert
Ranges from a white to very light colors. Northeastern West Virginia New Scotland Formation (Corriganville Formation) of the Helderberg Group
Nittany Chert Ranges from a medium to dark gray with siliceous oolites.  Red jasper also occurs in this formation. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Nittany Dolomite Formation, Beekmantown Group
Obryan Chert
AKA: Southern Vanport Chert
Ranges in color from a mottled gray to white with calcium carbonate vermiculate lines Western West Virginia Obryan Member of the Allegheny Formation
Onodaga Chert
AKA: See page
Vary from light to dark gray to a mottled bluish gray to a dark brown or black or tan. Northern West Virginia Onondaga Limestone Formation
Oriskany Solicified Sandstone   White Northeastern West Virginia Oriskany Sandstone Formation
(Generic type)
  Varies North America Varies
Patuxent - Mattaponi Quartzite
AKA: Mattaponi Quartzite
  Ranges from gray to a white, light yellow, pink or red.  range sin color from a dark white to gray,  cream to yellow, and pink to red. West Virginia Patuxent / Mattaponi Formation
Patton Chert Ranges from a dark gray to black.
Southern West Virginia Patton Limestone Member of the Greenbrier Limestone Formation
Pinesburg Station Chert Ranges from a white to very light gray. Northeastern West Virginia Pinesburg Station Formation of the Beekmantown Group
Quartz   Milky white with thin veins
North America  
Quartzite   Varies from white to gray, or pink and tan in color North America  
Rhyolite   Gray to grayish black, flow banding may be present alternating from light to darker gray Eastern North America  
Ridgely Quartzite   Ranges from white to a light tan or a medium gray or pink. Northeastern West Virginia Ridgely Sandstone Member of the Oriskany Formation
Rockdale Run Chert Ranges from a light to medium gray.
Northeastern West Virginia Rockdale Run Limestone Formation of the Beekmantown Group
Rose Hill Quartzite
AKA: Ferruginous Quartzite, Hematitic Sandstone
  Ranges in color from a brownish purple to a medium purple or a blood red. Eastern West Virginia Rose Hill Formation
Stonehenge Chert
AKA: Stonehenge - Chepultepec Chert
Ranges from a dark gray to black. Northeastern West Virginia Stonehenge Limestone Formation of the Beekmantown Group
Ten Mile Creek Chert Ranges in color from a dark brownish gray to an olive gray or bluish gray. Northern West Virginia Greene Formation
Tomstown Chert Ranges from beds of bluish gray to a yellowish gray blue, or white with mottling commonly present and nodules of white. Northeastern West Virginia Tomstown Dolomite Formation
Trading Run Chert Light color ranging from a mottled white to gray, cream to yellow, and pinks with iron staining commonly present. Northeastern West Virginia Helderberg Formation
Tuscarora Quartzite
AKA: Massanutten Quartzite
  White and gray Northeastern West Virginia Tuscarora Quartzite Formation of the Judy Gap Group
Uniontown Chert
AKA: Waynesburg Chert
Ranges from light to medium gray or yellowish brown with yellow streaks. Northern West Virginia Uniontown Formation of the Monongahela Group.
Waynesboro Chert
AKA: Rome Chert
Ranges from a very dark gray to black Eastern West Virginia Waynesboro Limestone Formation (Rome Limestone Formation)
Weverton Quartzite   Feldspathic and ranges from a grayish white to medium light gray. Eastern West Virginia Buzzard Knob Member of the Weverton Quartzite Formation, Chilhowee Group