Distribution Comments:
Beekmantown Chert is associated with the Beekmantown Geological Group
occurring as lenses in the limestone and dolomite. Chert bearing
formations in the Beekmantown Group include the Bellefont Limestone,
Chepultepec Dolomite, Cutting Limestone, Deepkill Shale, Epler
Limestone, Fort Ann Limestone, Mines Limestone, Nittany Dolomite,
Ontelaunee Limestone, Pinesburg Station Dolomite, Rickenback Dolomite,
Rockdale Run Limestone, Stonehenge Limestone, and the Whithall Limestone
formations. Also called Narrows Chert for exposures on the low
spur of Wolf Mountain west of Mills Creek and south of Wolf Creek.
Named for Narrows, Giles County, Virginia where the outcrop is 2 miles