Arnolds Valley Jasper
AKA: Rockbridge Jasper

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Arnolds Valley Jasper is brecciated with colors ranging from yellow to red with small white quartzite appearing as phenocysts and veins of white chalcedony.

Fine grain


Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:


Heat Treatment:  Heat treatment produces the red color. 



























































Distribution Comments:
Arnolds Valley Jasper is associated with the Chilhowee Group of the Blue Ridge Anticlinorium and has primary sources along East Fork Elk Creek and throughout Rockbridge County, Virginia.
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References: (See Reference Page):
Hranicky, (2012)
Stevenson et al, (2008)
USGS Website (01/17/2022)
Virginia Department of Historical Resources (01/17/2022)
Trace Elements
Element Min Max SEM (95%)
Na 22.0 234.7 100.82 +/- 17.986
Mn 13.1 5854.4 701.1 +/- 634.024
Zn 7.18 61.18 27.535 +/- 6.247
Th 0.00 0.76 0.132 +/- 0.078
Sc 0.1 1.4 0.345 +/- 0.158
Sb 0.0 0.6 0.26 +/- 0.068
Fe 2744 68365 28674 +/- 7320.65
Eu 0.009 1.612 0.262 +/- 106.20
Cr 0.481 7.280 2.506 +/- 1.328
Co 0.226 10.772 1.421 +/- 1.002
Ce 0.501 133.84 13.012 +/- 14.437
Yb 0.034 0.569 0.238 +/- 0.138
Sm 0.091 11.58 1.341 +/- 1.333
La 0.389 94.481 9.506 +/- 10.957
Ba 7.3 4210.2 271.19 +/- 408.98
As 0.84 29.25 8.544 +/- 3.116
 (Stevenson et al., 2008)
Archeological Details:

Material Type: 
This is primarily considered a local material being most extensively used near the source in Rockbridge County, Virginia.  Use of this material outside this area is unknown.

Cultural Period used: 
This material was used from the Early Archaic to the Woodland period.

Primary use:
Tends to be used in smaller points due the the impurities which makes it difficult to manufacture larger bi-faces. 
Geological Formation Details:
The Chilhowee Group includes the Erwin Formation (Erwin-Antietam Quartzite) underling the Harper Formation (Harper Ferry Quartzite) which underlies the Weverton Formation.  Arnolds Valley Jasper was formed by the upthrust of the Erwin Formation into the upper formations of the Shenandoah Valley.