Materials Identification Guide

Connecticut Lithic Material


Name Natural Non-heat treated points Heat treated points Color details Primary found in: Associated Formation / Member
Alsen Chert Mottled dark gray to a dark brownish gray. New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut Alsen Cherty Limestone Formation of the Helderberg Group
(Generic type)
  Light to dark green, but may range to various shades of gray. North America Varies
Braintree Hornfels   Varies from a medium to dark gray Massachusetts, Connecticut Braintree Argillite Formation
Briarcliff Chert Light with darker patches. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut Briarcliff Dolomite Formation of the Wappinger Group
Cheshire Quartzite
AKA: Stissing Quartzite
  Ranges from a white to a light gray or a tannish gray New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont  
Clough Quartzite   Ranges from white to a light pink. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire Clough Quartzite Formation
Coeymans Chert
AKA: New Creek Chert
ranges in color from a bluish black to black.  Cloudy patches of fine pyrite and quartz may be present. New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut Coeymans Limestone Formation (New Creek Formation), Helderberg Group
Crystal Quartz   clear colorless stone similar to clear glass Eastern North America  
Helderberg Chert Ranges from mottled white to light cream, light gray, and light blue commonly mottled and fossiliferous.  New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut Helderberg Group
Kalkberg Chert Ranges in color from a grayish blue to a black.  This chert is heavily cloudy by opaque patches.  Clastic quartz is present New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut Kalkberg Formation of the Helderberg Group
Kittery Quartzite
AKA: Cape Elizabeth Quartzite
  Ranges from a light brown to light gray. Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Hew Hampshire, Maine, New York, and into New Jersey. Kittery Formation of the Merrimack Group
New Haven Arkose   Ranges from a pink to red or gray indurated arkose. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island Hew Haven Formation
New Scotland Chert
AKA: Corriganville Chert, Minisink Chert
Ranges from a white to very light colors. New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut New Scotland Formation (Corriganville Formation) of the Helderberg Group
Normanskill Chert
AKA: Deepkill Chert, Coxsackie Chert
  Range from a light green to a dark green or brownish green with darker bands being present. Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts Mount Merino and Indian River Formations of the Normanskill Group
Onondaga Chert
AKA: See page
Vary from light to dark gray to a mottled bluish gray to a dark brown or black or tan. Ontario, Quebec, New York, Pennsylvania, Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont Onondaga Limestone Formation
(Generic type)
  Varies North America Varies
Port Ewen Chert Ranges in color from a dark gray to black New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut Port Ewen Formation of the Helderberg Group
Quartz   Milky white with thin veins
North America  
Quartzite   Varies from white to gray, or pink and tan in color North America  
Rhyolite   Gray to grayish black, flow banding may be present alternating from light to darker gray North America  
Westboro Quartzite
AKA: See page
  Ranges from a white to a light gray or light tan. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut Albion Schist Formation