This is a thin small side notch point with a flattened cross section. The blade is primarily straight, but may vary to slightly excurvate. Parallel U-shaped notches enter the blade forming horizontal shoulders and an expanded stem. The stem edges are straight with the stem being the same width at the shoulders as the base giving a square shape. The base is straight with slightly rounded basal corners. The basal edge is commonly heavily ground. This point is generally well-made and has a oblique parallel to random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements - Length - 10 to 34 mm (20.6 mm mean), Width - 9 to 18 mm (14.2 mm mean), Thickness - 2 to 7 mm (2.6 mm mean)
This point is primarily found in the northern plains region of Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, into eastern Colorado, northern Nebraska, and into southern Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Forbis is an eminent anthropologist and was a professor for the Department of Anthropology at the University of Calgary. He was responsible for development of the Archaeological Research Program for the Glenbow Museum and is considered the “Father of Alberta Archaeology”. This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.