This is a medium triangular point with a thick elliptical cross section. The blade is primarily straight to excurvate. The shoulders may vary from horizontal to having an upward angle for the side notch form, or barbed for the corner notch form. The stem is expanding with a convex base which may give the appearance of a bulbous appearance on some examples. Basal and hafting region grinding is present on this type. The flaking pattern may range from random to collateral.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 35 to 55 mm, Stem Length - 8 to 14 mm, Blade Width - 17 to 25 mm, Neck Width - 13 to 17 mm, Stem Width - 16 to 21 mm (***based on similar Cherry Gulch point***)
Primarily found in the higher altitude mountain areas of the Colorado Plateau of Colorado and into the high mountainous regions of Utah and Wyoming.
Irwin-Williams was a distinguished Anthropologist who did extensive work in Colorado and the surrounding region. The studied, identified, and named the Picosa Archaic Culture. Irwin as an anthropologist and served as a field archaeologist for the Peabody Museum at Harvard University. This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.