Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  James Cambron
Named For:  Type site was located on Flint Creek
Date Identified:  1958
Type Site:  Cambron Site 78, Flint Creek, Morgan County, Alabama
Point Validity: Valid type

Cambron is a distinguished avocational archaeologist that did extensive work in Alabama and the Tennessee River valley.  This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This type is considered a valid type.
Flint Creek Stemmed
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thick medium to large (1.5 to 3 inches) triangular expanding stem point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade is narrow and excurvate with most examples being finely serrated.  The shoulders are primarily horizontal, but may be slightly barbed or have a slight upward angle.  The stem is expanding and may have grinding on the hafting area.  The base is most commonly convex and may have a bulbous appearance.  Rarely, the base may be straight.  The base may have light grinding or thinning, occasionally cortex may remain on the base.  This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements:

Total Length  - 39 to 76 mm (55 mm average), Stem Length - 7 to 15 mm (11 mm average),  Blade Width - 18 to 29 mm (23 mm average),  Stem Width - 13 to 19 mm (16 mm average), Thickness - 7 to 12 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

This point may be an extension of the Pontchartrain type, however this point has an expanding stem while the Pontchartrain points tend to have a straight stem or slightlly contracting stem (MaGahey, 2000).
Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in northern Alabama and into central Tennessee, northern Alabama, and southwestern Georgia.
Age / Periods:
Date: 3,000 2,100 B.P.
Cultural Period: Late Archaic to Early Woodland
Glacial Period: Neoglacial to Roman Warm
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Bakers Creek, Beacon Island, Cotaco Creek, Lamoka, Kay's, Mud Creek
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Pontchartrain Type I, Pontchartrain Type II

Pictures Provided By:
As Illustrated by Perino, 1971
Steve Park
Bill Kirby
Dan Gervais
Western Artifacts
Texas Arrowheads
Ken's Relics
Flint Creek Projectile Point, Flint Creek Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

12, 23, 30, 180, 216, W11, W18