Name Details:
Named By: Jarl
Marwin / James Mason Gray
Named For: Six Mile Creek, Tampa, Florida
Date Identified: 1965 / 1975
Type Site:
Six Mile Creek Serrated
(Collector Type)
Edited by William Lunsford
Cultural Period:
8,500 - 6,500 B.P.
Early to Middle Archaic
Early to Middle Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thick broad medium to large (1.5 to 3.5 inches) triangular stemmed point with a thinned to thin elliptical cross section. The blade is
excurvate, broad and serrated with beveling on both faces. The serrations are formed by pressure flaking applied to a single face. The shoulders may range from horizontal to having a slight upward slope. The stem is may vary from knobbed to square or slightly expanding. The base is straight to slightly convex with rounded basal corners. This point is well made using broad percussion flaking with finer
pressure flaking used to retouch the blade. Serration are
formed using fine pressure flaking from the same side of the blade.
Ruminants of the broad percussion flaking generally remain on
the center of the face on both sides forming a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 57
to 125 mm, Stem Length - 10 to 15 mm, Blade Width - 37
to 55+ mm, Stem Width - 15 to 25 mm
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in west central Florida (Tampa Bay region). This point has been found into northern
and central Florida and southern Georgia with decreased frequency.

Additional Comments:
Lunsford (personal communications) notes that examples with the shoulders
flared upward and a square base are not generally found in west central
Florida, but have been reported in north Florida and Georgia. These
are a variation of the Kirk Serrated and Kirk Stemmed point. Many
people feel that this is not a true type / variation, but represent
stylistic variations that fall within the known variations for the Kirk
Serrated / Stemmed type. Professional literature does not recognize
this type and includes all examples as Kirk Serrated / Stemmed points.
The only reference to this type are collector type publications.
The date for this point has ranged from Early Archaic based on the association with other Early Archaic points and has been typed as a Kirk sub-type (Neill, 1976),
and has been reported to be a Middle Archaic point (Son Anderson). This point was found at the Page / Ladson site in an Early Archaic level above levels containing Bolen points
giving this point an Early Archaic context. This point has also been found in association with Morrow Mountain and Putnam point in the Tampa region which may suggest a Middle Archaic presence. (Schroder, 2012
The serrations on this type are formed by using pressure flaking applied to a single face. The serrations on the Kirk serrated were formed by pressure flaking from alternating faces
which is one if the primary differences between these types. This
type is thought to be a broad variant of the Kirk Serrated type (Powell, 1990).
Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Collector Type
Gray is an avocational archaeologist who has studied Florida archaeology. This type
was named in his personally published book on projectile points of Florida. This type has many collector and avocational archaeologist references to this type, but no professional references were located.
This is considered a collector type.
Age Details:
Pictures Provided By:
Dylan Barcena
William Lunsford
Son Anderson
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, W18
Six Mile Creek Projectile Point, Six Mile Creek Arrowhead