Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Susquehannock Triangle
Name Details:
Identified By:  Fred W. Kinsey and Jeffery Graybill
Named For:   Shenks Family Farm / Type Site
Date Identified:  1971
Type Site:  Shenks Ferry (36LA9), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Point Validity: Valid type
Kinsey was a distinguished anthropologist who did extensive work in the Susquehanna River valley and eastern anthropology.  Graybill served as archaeologist of the West Virginia Geographical ad Economic Survey.  This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is a triangular point associated with the Shenks Ferry culture and considered a cultural type.
Shenks Ferry Triangle
Cluster: Late Woodland to Early Mississippian Triangle Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thin small (.5 to .75 inches) triangular point with a flattened cross section to having a median ridge.  The blade is primarily straight, but may vary to slightly incurvate.  The point primarily forms an isosceles triangle (half as wide as the height).  The base is concave and commonly has basal thinning and sharp basal corners.  The flaking pattern is random and commonly has a high quality of workmanship.
Size Measurements:

Length - 18 to 40 mm,  Width - 14 to 25 mm,  Thickness - 3 to 6 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
These points are primarily made from quarts, less commonly chalcedony, chert, and jasper.
Additional Comments:

The Shenks Ferry culture and the Susquehannock Culture existed during the same time and had overlapping territories making it difficult to distinguish triangular points used by the Susquehannock culture and the Shenks Ferry culture.  Shenks Ferry points tend to be slightly narrower than the Susquehannock triangular points.
Distribution Comments:

These points are primarily found in Lancaster, York, and Lebanon counties in Pennsylvania.  They are most common on the flood plains of the lower Susquehanna river and tributaries.  
Age / Periods:
Date: 700 - 400 B.P.
Cultural Period: Late Woodland
Glacial Period: Medieval Warm to Little Ice Age
Culture: Shenks Ferry Culture
Age Details:
The Shenks Ferry culture is generally accepted as late Woodland period culture (circa 1,250 to 1,550 A.D.
Similar Points:
Erie Triangle, Levanna, Madison, Susquehannock,  Squibnocket Triangle, Yadkin
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Camp Creek, Clements, Conestee, Hamilton Triangle, Fort Ancient, Madison, Levanna, Pinellas, Uwharrie, Yadkin

Pictures Provided By:

 Shenks Ferry Projectile Point, Shenks Ferry Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

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