Materials Identification Guide

Louisiana Lithic Material



Non-heat treated points                                Heat treated points                               Color details                    Primary found in:     Associated             Formation / Member
Generic Type
    North America Varies
(Generic type)
  Light to dark green, but may range to various shades of gray North America Varies
(Generic Type)
  Translucent and varies in shades from reddish brown to reddish orange. North America Varies
Catahoula Petrified Wood   Includes petrified elm, oak, hickory, and palm wood and contains shades of white, brown, cream, and tan with wood grain or rings present. Southern Louisiana Catahoula Formation
Catahoula Orthoquartzite   Range from white to gray, tan, black, green, or almost clear with black angular inclusions giving a "peppered" appearance. East central Louisiana Catahoula Formation
Citronelle Chert
Lafayette Chert variation
AKA: Calcasieu Chert
Great variation and can range form most commonly shades of brown and tan, but may range to white to pink or black.  Eastern Louisiana Lafayette Gravel Formation
Cockfield Orthoquartzite   Shades of light gray with spotting of light brown commonly present commonly giving a mottling appearance. Northeastern Louisiana Cockfield Formation, Clairborne Group
Crystal Quartz   clear colorless stone similar to clear glass Eastern North America  
Hattiesburg Orthoquartzite   Gray opal cemented quarttztic siltstone or sandstone that may have shades of light brown or tan giving a mottled appearance.  Eastern Louisiana Hattiesburg Formation
Lafayette Gravel Chert Most commonly ranges from brown to tan, greyish tan, yellowish tan, or cream, less common white and black occur. Eastern Louisiana Lafayette Gravel Formation
Lafayette Quartzite     Northeastern Louisiana Lafayette Gravel Formation
(Generic Type)
  Range from white to light gray or black Northwestern Louisiana Varies
(Generic Type)
  Ranges from white to tan, red green, brown, or black. North America Varies
AKA: Petrified Palmwood
  Ranges from white to yellowish white or cream with specks or streaks of brown to yellowish brown.
Southern Louisiana Catahoula Formation
Petrified Wood
AKA: Agatized Wood, Opalized Wood
  Vary in color based on the minerals present during the process North America Varies
AKA: Vein Quartz
  Milky white with thin veins
North America Varies
(Generic Type)
  Varies from white to gray, or pink and tan in color North America Varies
(Generic Type)
  Gray to grayish black, flow banding may be present alternating from light to darker gray North America Volcanic Activity
AKA: Solidified Volcanic Ash
  Contains greater than 75 volcanic ash and ranges from white to tan, gray or pink. North America Volcanic activity
Willis Chert Great variation of color, most commonly shades of brown and tan, but may range to white to pink or black.  Petrified Wood also occurs. Southwestern Louisiana Willis Gravel Formation