Projectile Point Identification Guide

Notched Projectile Points of






Name Picture Shape Size Cultural Period Validity
Side Notch          
Albany Spokeshave Side Notch / Other Small to Medium Late Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy Broad Base Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy Contracting Base / Big Sandy Auriculate Side Notch  / Bifurcated Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Big Sandy E Notch
AKA: Key Notch
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Big Sandy Leighton Base
AKA: Leighton
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Collector Type
Caracara Side Notch Small to Medium Late Prehistory Valid Type
Cupp Corner Notch to Side Notch Medium to Large Mississippian / Prehistoric Valid Type
Del Carmen Side Notch Small Classic - Prehistoric Provisional Type
Figueroa Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Walking Man
 Side Notch to Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA for San Patrice Geneill
Auriculate / Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic AKA Type
Hardaway Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Hardaway Palmer Side Notch  to Corner Notch Small to Medium Early Archaic Collector Type
Harrell Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Haskell Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Huffaker Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Juno Broad Base
AKA for Ensor
Side Notch Medium to Large Transitional Archaic AKA Type
AKA: San Patrice Keithville Variety
Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic AKA Type
Keota Side Notch to Corner Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
La Cueva Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Provisional Type
Maljamar Side Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
McCurtain Side Notch Small to Medium Mississippian Provisional Type
Neff Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Paisano Side Notch to Expanding Stem Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Pipe Creek Side Notch / Corner Notch / Expanding Stem Small to Medium Woodland / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Pocola Side Notch / Bifurcated Small Late Woodland to Early Mississippian Valid Type
Pueblo Side Notch Concave Base Side Notch Small Classic to Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Pueblo Side Notch Straight Base Side Notch Small Classic to Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Reed Side Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Sallisaw Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small Mississippian Valid Type
San Jose Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
San Patrice Auriculate / Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Temporal Side Notch Small Developmental
Pueblo II and III
Valid Type
Todsen Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Provisional Type
Toyah Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Trinity Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Washita Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Washita Peno Side Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
Corner Notch          
Agee Corner Notch Small to Medium Mississippian Valid Type
Alazan Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Medieval Warm Late Prehistoric Provisional Type
Anaqua Corner Notch Small Transitional Archaic to Prehistoric Valid Type
Bandy Corner Notch to Basal Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Carlsbad Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Convento Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small Prehistoric / Classic Provisional Type
Cupp Corner Notch to Side Notch Medium to Large Mississippian / Prehistoric Valid Type
Early Stemmed  Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Transitional Paleo to Early Archaic Valid Type
Edgewood Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Edwards Corner Notch to Side Notch Small to Medium Woodland / Prehistoric Valid Type
Ellis Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
AKA: Juno Broad Base
Corner Notch Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Ensor Frio
Ensor Split Stem
Corner Notch to Side Notch Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Collector Type
Hopewell Corner Notch Medium to Large Woodland Valid Type
San Pedro Variant
Corner Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic San Pedro Variant
Kirk Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Marcos Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Martindale Fishtail
Corner Notch / Bifurcated Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Morris Corner Notch to Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
AKA Small Kirk Corner Notch
Corner Notch Small Early Archaic Valid Type
AKA: St. Marion
Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
San Jacinto Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle Archaic Collector Type
Scallorn Corner Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Shadid Corner Notch Medium Mississippian Valid Type
St. Charles Dovetail
AKA: Dovetail
Corner Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
St. Marion / Rockwall Corner Notch Small Mississippian / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Williams Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Basal Notch          
Andice Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Bandy Basal Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Base Tang Knife Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Bell Basal Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Calf Creek Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle Archaic Valid Type
Castroville Basal Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Catahoula Stemmed to Basal Notch Small to Medium Mississippian / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Charco Basal Notch to Stemmed Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Deadman's Basal Notch to Expanding Stem Small Developmental - Prehistoric Valid Type
AKA: Marshall Barbed,
Smithwick Small Stem
Bluffton Barbed
Basal Notch Medium to Large Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Ouachita Basal Notch Large Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
San Saba Knife Basal Notch Large to Very Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Shumla Basal Notch to Stemmed Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Smith Basal Notch Large to Very Large Middle Archaic Valid Type