This is a medium to large ovoid point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is excurvate with the wide portion of the blade being about mid-point of the blade. The base may vary from convex to concave. The cortex commonly remains on the basal edge. This point is made using broad percussion flaking generally lacking secondary pressure flaking forming a random flaking pattern and is commonly crudely made.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 42 to 95 mm (average 53 to 72 mm), Blade Width - 14 to 31 mm (average 17 to 25 mm), Thickness - 6 to 15 mm (average 87 to 12 mm) (Tomak, 1980)
This point is most commonly in the Wabash Valley of Indiana and Illinois, and may be found into Kentucky.
Tomak was a professional archaeologist who retired from the State of Illinois Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and was honored with Archaeologist of the Month in July 2009. This type was named in a professional publication, but has no or limited professional references. This type needs professional recognition as a unique type. This type is considered a provisional type.