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Name Details:
Ste Anne
Named By: Joseph Benmouyal
Named For: Type Site
Date Identified: 1981
Type Site: Ste-Anne-des-Monts Site (DgDo-4), Quebec, Canada
Named By: James Peterson and Belinda Cox
Named For: Type Site
Date Identified: 1997
Type Site: Varney Farm Site (36-57 ME), Maine
Ste. Anne / Varney
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
10,000 - 8,500 B.P.
Transitional Paleo to
Early Archaic
Early Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Common Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a a medium to large lanceolate with an elliptical cross section. The Varney variety is thinner with a thin elliptical cross section. The blade is narrow excurvate
with the tip curving in, becoming parallel, and slightly curving back towards the base. Many examples have a weak or absent shoulder and have a straight stem. The Varney variety is generally thinner,
narrower and more delicate than the Ste. Anne type. The base is straight with rounded basal corners. The Ste. Anne type has two or three basal thinning scars while the Varney variation is generally
lacking the thinning scars. This point primarily has a parallel flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Length - 85 to 120 mm, Blade Width - 18 to 24 mm.
(***small sample size***)
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in Quebec Canada and into the northeastern states.

Related / Associated Points:
Additional Comments:
These points are similar to Agate Basin and Cody Complex points found further west, but are generally thinner than commonly seen in those points (Peterson et al, 2000).
Many examples have a weak shoulder similar to the Eden point.

Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Valid Type
Benmouyal is an anthropologist who conducted studies into the archaeology of the North Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec. This type was named in his Ph. D dissertation. Patterson.
Peterson is an anthropologist who conducted excavations at the Varney Farm site. Cox is an archaeologist for a private firm in North Carolina and assisted Peterson in excavations. This type was named in a
professional publication. This type has many professional references, but most references are to Ste. Anne / Varney and these are not seen as separate types. This is considered a valid type.
Age Details:
Radiocarbon dating at the Varney site produced dates of 9410 +/- 190, 8700 +/- 60, +/- , and 8430 +/- 100 B.P. (Cox and Peterson, 1997).
Pictures Provided By:
Nick Fredsall
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, 108, 109
Ste Anne / Varney Projectile Point, Ste Anne / Varney Arrowhead