This is a thin medium to large triangular side notch point with a flattened cross section. The blade may vary from excurvate to straight. The blade may have an incurvate appearance on re-sharpened examples. The blade may be serrated or beveled on opposite shoulders. Parallel side notches are low on the blade and are generally wide forming a horizontal to upward sloping shoulder. The stem is short and expanded and may be as wide as or wider than the blade at the shoulders. The base may vary from straight to convex. The base commonly thinned and has heavy grinding. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Length - 4 to 89 mm (average 43 to 77 mm), Stem Length - 13 to 20 mm (typically 1/6 of the total length on smaller examples and as little as 1/8 of the total length on larger examples), Width - 18 to 50 mm (average 28 to 38 mm), Neck Width - 14 to 45 (average 25 to 35 mm), Thickness - 4 to 7 mm.
This point is primarily found in New York, into New England, Pennsylvania, and southwestern Ontario. These point are found with decreased frequency in Ohio and found infrequently into Indiana, Illinois. Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Richie was a prominent anthropologist who served as the state archaeologist for the State of New York, the State Museum and Science Service. He excavated over 100 sites in the state of New York and published over 150 professional publications. He named this type in a professional publication and this type has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.