Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:


Dagger Type
Name Details:
Identified By: Local Collectors (Klickitat) / W. Duncan Strong, W. Robert Schenck, and Julian H. Steward (Miller's Island Diamond Stem)
Named For: The associated culture / Type Site
Date Identified: 1930
Type Site: Miller Island, Columbia River, Klickitat County, Washington
Point Validity:
Collector / Valid Type
This is a unique type that is associated with the Klickitat Culture who manufactured this point. No professional references use the name Klickitat, but these points are referred to as Miller Diamond Stem in professional literature. The name Klickitat is a collector name while the name Miller Diamond Stem is a valid professional type.
Miller's Island Diamond Stem
AKA: Dagger
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thin small triangular expanding stem point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is long and narrow and may vary from excurvate to recurvate with the blade curving in at the tip and flaring out at the shoulders. The shoulders range from horizontal to slightly barbed. The stem is primarily is primarily slightly expanding, but may vary to straight. The base is generally pointed giving the stem a diamond appearance, but may range to convex. This point is commonly well made with a flaking pattern that varies from random to parallel oblique.
Size Measurements:
Total Length - 19 to 46 mm, Stem Length - 5 to 9 mm, Neck Width - 3 to 5 mm, Max Stem Width - 4 to 7 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
High quality local materials
Additional Comments:
Based that are diamond shaped are considered the Klickitat type while points with a rectangular stem would fall into the Dagger type point.
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in the Columbia River valley and it's tributaries from the Cowlitz river to the Yamaha River.
Age / Periods:
Date: 300 - 160 B.P.
Cultural Period: Historic
Glacial Period: Little Ice Age to Modern Times
Culture: Klickitat Culture
Age Details:
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points: