Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  Ernest G. Walker
Named For:  Type Site
Date Identified:  1992
Type Site:  Gowen 1 and Gowen 2 sites, Saskatchewan
Point Validity: Valid type

Walker is an anthropologist and professor at the University of Saskatchewan and the founding member of the Wanuskewin Heritage Park in Canada.  This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is considered a valid type.
Gowen Side Notch
Bitterroot Variant
Cluster: Northern Side Notch Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium (.75 to 1.25 inches) triangular side notch point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade is primarily excurvate, but may become straight on re-sharpened examples.  The blade is widest at the shoulders and is commonly asymmetrical.  Wide shallow notches enter low on the blade forming a shoulder that may vary from horizontal to having a upward angle.  The stem is expanding with a base that ranges from straight to slightly concave.  This point has a random flaking pattern.      
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 22 to 48 mm (average 28 to 35 mm),  Stem Length - 7 to 11 mm,  Blade Width - 15 to 22  mm,  Neck Width - 10 to 14 mm,  Stem Width - 13 - 18 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Quartzite, Chert
Additional Comments:

Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in the Plains region of Saskatchewan, primarily the Saskatoon region.
Age / Periods:
Date: 5,900 - 5,300 B.P.
Cultural Period: Middle Archaic
Glacial Period: Middle Holocene
Age Details:
Peck (2011) suggest that these points have a limited time of use in central Saskatchewan with radiocarbon dates at Gowen 1, Gowen 2, Norby, and Below Forks sites all producing radiocarbon dates ranging between 5,900 to 5,600 B.P. The Gowen Complex has been dated at 5,900 to 5,200 B.P. Other dates include 5,370 +/- 90 and 5,000 +/- 80 at the Spring Kill site and 5,920 +/- 170 at the Snyder Farm site (Peck, no date).
Similar Points:
Glendo, Northern Side Notch
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Bitterroot, Cold Springs, Elko Side Notch, Northern Side Notch, San Rafael, Sudden Shelter, Ventana Side Notch

Pictures Provided By:
Courtesy Trevor Peck of Archaeological Survey Historic Resources Management Branch, Government of Alberta

Gowen Projectile Point, Gowen Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

79, 198