Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  James Gray /Lloyd Schroder
Named For:  David Coker (collector)
Date Identified: 1976 / 2002 
Type Site:  Marvin Masser Farm, Hillsboro County, Florida
Point Validity: Collector type

Schroder serves as webmaster for Peachtree Archaeological Society and has authored three books on projectile points of the Georgia and Florida region.  This type was named in a personal book on projectile points.  This type has no professional references.  This is considered a collector type.
Coker Knife
AKA: Wills Point
Collector Type
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium to large (3 to 5.5 inches) triangular knife contracting stem point with a thin elliptical cross section.  The blade is excurvate with the tip curving in and the edges becoming almost parallel.  One edge of the blade is commonly straighter than the other edge.  The shoulders are commonly asymmetrical with one shoulder being wider (the excurvate edge) and the other shoulder being slightly narrower (the straighter edge).  The shoulders are primarily horizontal, but may range to slightly barbed.  The stem is contracting with a convex base.  This point commonly has a high quality of workmanship and a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 75 to 125 mm,  Stem Length - 15 to 25 mm,  Blade Width - 30 to 50 mm,  Stem Width (at shoulders) - 18 to 25 mm, Thickness - average 10 mm (***based on small sample size***)
Commonly Utilized Material:
Silicified cherty limestone and cherts
Additional Comments:

These points were originally referred to as Wills points by local collectors. The name originated from a nickname that friends called Mr. Marvin Masser (Schroder, 2012).
Distribution Comments:

The distribution of this point is unknown.  It is found in Hillsboro County Florida, but could have a similar distribution to the Thonotosassa point in central Florida.
Age / Periods:
Cultural Period: Early to Middle Archaic
Glacial Period:
Age Details:
Schroder (2012) notes that these points were commonly found with Sumter and Six Mile Creek points suggesting an Early Archaic association, but they are also found with Putnam and Thonotosassa points may point to a Middle Archaic association. No radio-carbon dating has been done.
Similar Points:
Putnam, Thonotosassa
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Putnam, Six Mile Creek, Sumter, Thonotosassa
Pictures Provided By:
William Lunsford
Lowell Warren
Zach Richardson
Lloyd Schroder (Peach State Archaeological Society)

Coker Projectile Point, Coker Arrowhead, Coker knife, Corker Spear
Wills Projectile Point, Wills Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

30, W18