Projectile Point Identification Guide

Notched Projectile Points of the

Desert Southwest Region





Name Picture Shape Size Cultural Period Validity
Side Notch          
Abiquiu Side Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Armijo Side Notch / Auriculate Small to Medium Late Archaic Valid Type
Atotonilco Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Awatovi Side Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Black Mesa Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small or Medium Transitional Archaic to Basketmaker II Valid Type
Bonito Side Notch Small Developmental (Pueblo II and III) Valid Type
Buck Taylor Notch
AKA: Red Horn
Side Notch Small Historic Valid Type
Caracara Side Notch Small to Medium Late Prehistory Valid Type
Cerro de Ayala Side Notch Side Notch Small Preclassic Valid Type
Chiricahua Side Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Citrus Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Classic Valid Type
Cruz de la Boca Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Del Carmen Side Notch Small Classic - Prehistoric Provisional Type
Desert Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Desert Delta Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Desert Sierra Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
Dry Prong Side Notch Small Developmental - Prehistory Valid Type
Durango Side Notch Small Late Archaic Valid Type
Durango Side Notch Side Notch Medium Preclassic to Classic Valid Type
Elko Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Figueroa Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Walking Man
Expanding Stem / Bifurcated Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Hohokam
Side Notch Medium Prehistoric / Classic Valid Type
Graceros Side Notch
Cruz de la Boca variant
Side Notch Small Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Guadiana Side Notch Side Notch Small Preclassic to Classic Valid Type
Harrell Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Haskell Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Hervideros Single Notch Side to Corner Notch Small Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Kin Kletso
(Pueblo Side Notch Sub-Type)
Side Notch Small Classic Valid Type
La Cueva Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Provisional Type
Los Banos Single Notch Side to Corner Notch Small Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Maljamar Side Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Mimbre Side Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Navacoyan Side Notch Side Notch Small Preclassic Valid Type
Neff Side Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Provisional Type
Northern Side Notch
AKA: Silent Snake
Side Notch Medium to Large Early Archaic Valid Type
Paisano Side Notch Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Point of the Pines Side Notch Small Developmental / Late Prehistoric Provisional Type
Pueblo Side Notch Straight Base Side Notch Small Classic to Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Pueblo Side Notch Concave Base Side Notch Small Classic to Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Ridge Ruin Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
Rocker Side Notch Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Rocker Side Notch- Elko Variant Side to Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Variant Type
Rocker Sudden Variant Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Variant Type
Rose Springs Side Notch Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
Sacaton Side Notch Small Developmental Collector Type
Salado Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
San Jose Expanding Stem to Side Notch Small to Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
San Luis Side Notch Side Notch Medium Early to Middle Archaic Provisional Type
San Rafael Side Notch Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Santa Ana Side Notch Side Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Sauceda Side Notch Side Notch Small Classic / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Schroeder Basal Notch
Side Notch Small Preclassic Valid Type
Schroeder Side Notch
Cruz de la Boca variant
Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Sitgreaves Serrated Side Notch Small Developmental / Prehistory Valid Type
Snaketown Side Notch Side Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Suchil Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type
Sudden Side Notch Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Temporal Side Notch Small Developmental
Pueblo II and III
Valid Type
Todsen Side Notch Medium Middle Archaic Provisional Type
Toyah Side Notch Small Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Trebbe Side Notch Side Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Ventana Side Notch
AKA: Luepp Side Notch and Squaw Mountain
Side Notch Small to Medium Middle to Late Archaic Valid Type
Walnut Canyon Side Notch Small Developmental to Late Prehistoric Provisional Type
Washita Side Notch Small Mississippian Valid Type
Washita Peno Side Notch Small Mississippian Provisional Type
White Mountain Side Notch Side Notch Small Classic to Historic Provisional Type
Yavapai Side Notch
Desert Sierra
Side Notch Small Developmental to Historic Cultural Type
Corner Notch          
(Elko Series)
Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic Cultural Type
Atotonilco Corner Notch Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Carlsbad Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Chaco Corner Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Cienega Corner Notch
AKA: Tularosa
Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Convento Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small Prehistoric / Classic Provisional Type
Diablo Corner Notch Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Dolores Expanding Stem Expanding Stem to Corner Notch Small Developmental
Pueblo I to Pueblo II
Valid Type
Edgewood Corner Notch to Expanding Stem Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
Edwards Corner Notch Small to Medium Woodland / Prehistoric Valid Type
Elko Corner Notch Corner Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Elko Eared Expanding Stem to Corner Notch / Bifurcated Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Ellis Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Archaic to Early Woodland Valid Type
En Medio
San Pedro Variant
Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic San Pedro Variant
AKA: Juno Broad Base
Corner Notch Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Ensor Frio
Ensor Split Stem
Corner Notch / Bifurcated Medium to Large Transitional Archaic Collector Type
San Pedro Variant
Corner Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic San Pedro Variant
Marcos Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
AKA: Martindale Fishtail
Corner Notch / Bifurcated Medium Middle Archaic Valid Type
Metates Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Pasitas Side Notch Corner Notch Small to Medium Late Prehistoric to Historic Valid Type
Rocker Corner Notch - Elko Variant Side to Corner Notch Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Variant Type
Rose Springs Corner Notch
AKA: Rosegate
Corner Notch Small Late Prehistoric / Developmental Valid Type
San Antonio Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium Late Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
San Miguel Corner Notch Corner Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Scallorn Corner Notch Small Late Woodland to Mississippian Valid Type
Tesuque Corner Notch Small Developmental to Classic / Prehistoric Provisional Type
Trujillo Corner Notch Small Developmental Valid Type
Basal Notch          
Bandy Basal Notch Small to Medium Early to Middle Archaic Valid Type
Castroville Basal Notch Medium to Large Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Charco Stemmed Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Cienega Basal Notch
AKA: Tularosa
Basal Notch Small to Medium Transitional Archaic to Developmental Valid Type
Deadman's Basal Notch Small Developmental - Prehistoric Valid Type
Eastgate Basal Notch Small Developmental / Late Prehistory Valid Type
Eastgate Split Stem Basal Notch /
Small Developmental / Late Prehistory Valid Type
Guadiana Barbed Stemmed / Basal Notch Medium Preclassic Valid Type
Hodges Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental / Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Metates Barbed Corner Notch to Basal Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Preclassic Valid Type
Parowan Basal Notch Small to Medium Developmental Valid Type
Sabinal Expanding Stem Small Late Prehistoric Valid Type
Shumla Basal Notch Small to Medium Late to Transitional Archaic Valid Type
Slentz Barbed Stemmed / Basal Notch Medium Transitional Archaic to Classic Valid Type