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Name Details:
Named By: Bruce W. Masse
Named For: Sobaipuri Culture
Date Identified: 1981
Type Site:
AKA: Huachuca
Cluster: Western Triangle Cluster
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
500 - 200 B.P.
Developmental to Historic
Little Ice Age to
Modern Times
Sobaipuri Culture
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a small isosceles
triangle point with a flattened to elliptical cross section. The blade is primarily straight, but may vary to slightly incurvate to slightly excurvate. The blade is finely serrated. The base may range from deeply concave to having a deep basal notch. This point has a
random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 9 to
26 mm, Blade Width - 7 to 14 mm, Basal Concavity - 2 to 5 mm
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in the Sobaipuri cultural region of southern Arizona and into southwestern New Mexico including the San Pedro and Santa Cruz River drainages.
The Sobaipuri cultural region extends into Sonora Mexico.

Related / Associated Points:
Additional Comments:
The word Sobaipuri was used by the Spanish to refer Native Americans who were part of the Upper Piman Group (Justice, 2002).
This point is only associated with the Sobaipuri culture. Deni Seymour
points out that many points labeled as Sobaipuri are not related to this
culture, but to many other locally mobile groups. She notes that these
points are referred to as Huachuca points, after the local mountain range,
and not Sobaipuri points. For the full discussion, please see the link
below. (Seymour, Deni (visited 01/2018) http://www.seymourharlan.com/My_Homepage_Files/Page1.html )

Point Validity: Valid Type
Masse is an environmental archaeologist who has conducted extensive work in the desert
southwest. This type was named in a professional publication and is associated with a specific culture. There are several professional references to this type. This is considered a valid type.
Age Details:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, 39
Sobaipuri Projectile Point, Sobaipuri Arrowhead