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Name Details:
Named By: Charles H. Webb
Named For:
Howard County, Arkansas
Date Identified: 1959
Type Site: First
mention at the Belcher Mound, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, named based on
examples from the Mineral Springs Site, Howard County, Arkansas
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
700 - 500 B.P.
Medieval Warm to
Little Ice Age
Caddoan Culture
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a small triangular stemmed point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is narrow and may vary from straight to slightly excurvate. The blade is commonly deeply
serrated for the bottom one half to two thirds with the top one half to one third being finely serrated. The shoulders range from horizontal to slightly barbed. The stem varies for straight to
slightly expanding with a convex base. The stem may have a bulbous appearance. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 15 to
45 mm, Stem Length - 5 to 10 mm, Blade Width - 10 to 18 mm,
Neck Width - 5 to 8 mm, Max Stem Width - 5 to 9 mm
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in southwestern Arkansas and into northwestern Louisiana, northeastern Texas and southeastern Oklahoma. This point is associated with the Caddo culture and may be
found in areas associated with the Caddo Culture.

Additional Comments:
This type is similar to the Blevins type which may be distinguished by the diamond shaped stem that is seen on the Blevins type, and the bulbous to straight stem
seen on this type.
This point is similar to the larger wider Duran point.
Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Valid Type
Webb was a trained Pediatrician
who became interested in archeology. In 1940 he became the charter member of the Society of American Archeology. He conducted
many collaborative excavations and conducted his own excavations at Poverty Point and Gahagan Mounds. He was a well-respected archeologist. He named this point in a professional publication and this type has many professional references. This is a valid type.
Age Details:
Perino (1971) feels that this type belongs to the
Late Gibson Caddoan period
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, 179, 182
Howard Projectile Point, Howard Arrowhead