Sevy Dolomite / Chert

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Sevy Dolomite / Chert is homogenous and ranges from a light or dark gray to an olive gray or pinkish or orangish gray.

 Course to medium grain dolomite and a medium to fine grain chert.


Translucency: Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:  Few fossils including brachiopods, bryozoans, and crinoids

Patina: Dolomite ranges from gray to a yellowish gray.

Heat Treatment: 

Knapping: Chert and dolomite has a conchoidal fracture.

























































Distribution Comments:
Sevy Chert is associated with the Sevy Dolomite Formation of Nevada and occurs as abundant beds and nodules. Primary outcroppings occur in the Diamond Mountains, Pinon Rage, Quinn Canyon Range, Mahogany Hills, Sulfur Springs Range, Pancake Range, Bald Mountain / Buck Mountain area, Grant Range, White Pine Range, Cherry Creek Range, Egan Range, Snake Range, Limestone Hills, Schell Creek Range, Kern Mountains, Sheep Creek Range, and throughout Lincoln County, Nevada.
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