Queen Valley Obsidian
AKA: Fish Lake Valley Obsidian
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Queen
Valley Obsidian is black.
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Heat Treatment:
Distribution Comments:
Queen Valley Obsidian occurs as float thought to be from the Truman
Meadows / Canyon source in Queen Valley in Mineral County, Nevada and
Mono County, California and into Fish Lake Valley in Nevada.
Almost identical in trace elements to the Silverpeak source with the
exception of an inverse Fe / Mg values which also occurs in Fish Lake
Valley. The source for this obsidian is Truman Meadows in Mono
County, California.
Projectile point made from this material:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context: