Little Falls Chert
AKA: Knauderack Chert, Whitehall Chert

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Little Falls Chert is most commonly blue, but dark brown to a pearly light blue do occur.  A variant in Herkimer County, New York is shades of red.  Small bluish green speckles and milky white mottling may be present.  Red jasper also occurs in this formation.

Fine grain

Luster: Waxy to glossy

Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils: Rarely stromatolites

Patina: Whitish with yellowish brown staining

Heat Treatment: 


























































Distribution Comments:

Little Falls Chert is associated with the Little Falls Dolomite Formation of the Beekmantown Group of New York.  Primarily occurring as nodules and stringer with exposures occurring along the Mohawk River at Little Falls, Herkimer County, New York.


Projectile point made from this material:

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