Death Valley Agate
AKA: Death Valley Plume, Death Valley Golden
Agate, Wingate Pass Agate
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Death Valley Agate occurs in both moss and
plume agate with a translucent blue matrix and inclusions and plumes of red with
yellow, red, and brown red with yellow poppies
Fine grain
Luster: Glossy
Translucency: Translucent to opaque
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Heat Treatment:
Distribution Comments:
Death Valley Agate outcrops in Death Valley, Wingate Pass and Owl Hole in
Death Valley, San Bernardino County, California.
Projectile point made from this material:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context: