This is a medium to large triangular to lanceolate stemmed point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is primarily excurvate, but may be straight on some examples. Many examples have the blade curving out at the tip and curving back in at the shoulders forming rounded shoulders. The shoulders are usually rounded to having an upward angle, but may range to horizontal on some examples. The stem may range from straight to slightly expanding. Uni-facial beveling maybe seen on one or both stem edges. The base is straight to slightly concave. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 60 to 120 mm (average 70 to 80 mm), Stem Length - 15 to 23 mm, Blade Width - 23 to 42 mm (average 28 to 35 mm), Stem Width - 13 to 28 mm, Basal Width - 14 to 23 mm
This point is primarily found in the lower Pecos and into southern Texas.
Johnson was a distinguished anthropologist who got his start in Texas before moving to become a professor at the University of Ohio and the University of Oregon. He named this type in a professional publication and this type has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.