Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:

Name Details:
Identifd By:  Cynthia Irwin-Williams
Named For:  Trujillo Phase
Date Identified:  1976
Type Site:  En Medio Shelter, New Mexico
Point Validity: Valid type

Irwin-Williams was a distinguished anthropologist who did extensive work in Colorado and the surrounding region.  The studied, identified, and named the Picosa Archaic Culture.  This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is considered a valid type.
Trujillo Corner Notch
AKA: Basketmaker III
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a small triangular corner notch point with a flattened cross section.  The blade may range from straight to excurvate.  Wide notched entre from the corner of the preform forming a shoulder that ranges from slightly barbed to strongly barbed.  The stem is expanding with a straight to convex base.  This point is commonly crudely made and has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements:

Length - 14 to 26 mm (21 mean), Width - 11 to 17 mm (14 mean), Thickness - 2 to 6 mm (3 mm), Neck Width - 4 to 10 mm (7 mm)
(OLE, 1997)
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:
Irwin-Williams (1971) discussed this type for examples from the En Medio Shelter in New Mexico.  She felt that these were "miniature" En Medio points and did not formally define this type.

OLE (1997) notes that these are similar to Rosegate Corner Notch, but tend to have a wider notch than commonly seen on Rosegate points.  They note that notch width for the Trujillo type are generally > 4mm while Rosegate points have a notch < 4mm.   However, the characteristics of this point were so broad that they decided to classify all small developmental points as Trujillo points.

It is felt that small corner notch points were replaced by side notch points.  There seemed to be no corner notch points used after 1,000 A.D. (OLE, 1997).

Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in the Basketmaker III region of New Mexico and Colorado.  This point may be found into the surrounding region of Utah and Arizona.
Age / Periods:
Date: 1,550 - 1,140 B.P.
Cultural Period: Developmental
Glacial Period: Roman Warm to Vandal Minimum
Culture: Basketmaker III (Trujillo Phase)
Age Details:
This type is found in association with Lino Gray ceramics (Irwin-Williams, 1971)
Similar Points:
ChacoElko Corner NotchHog Back, Mummy Cave Rose Springs Corner Notch
Other points in this custer / Related / Associated Points:
En Medio

Pictures Provided By:
Trujillo Projectile Point, Trujillo Arrowhead
Basketmaker III Projectile Point, Basketmaker III Arrowhead
As Illustrated by OLE, 1997
Travis Kern
Stephen Tyson
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

17, 23, 30, 37