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Name Details:
Named By: Michael
W. Spence
Named For:
Date Identified:
Type Site:
Oliver Oval
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
1,800 - 650 B.P.
Transitional Archaic to Classic
Roman to Medieval Warm
Loma San Gabriel Culture
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a small ovoid point with a thin elliptical cross section.
The blade broad and excurvate. The base is convex with the
convergence of the base and the blade being a smooth transition.
This point is crudely made and has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Length - 28 to 32 mm (average 30 mm), Blade Width -
20 to 24 mm (average 22 mm), Thickness - 4 to 6 mm (average 5 mm)
***Based on small sample size***
Distribution Comments:
This point are found in association with Loma Cultural sites of
Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, and
Aguascalientes Mexico.

Similar Points:
Related / Associated Points:
Additional Comments:
Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Valid Type
Age Details:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Oliver Oval Projectile Point, Oliver Oval Arrowhead