This is a medium triangular stemmed point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is excurvate with a notch on the blade just above the shoulders giving the point a double notch appearance. The shoulders range from slightly barbed to having a slight upward angle. The stem is short and may vary from slightly expanding to slightly contracting. The base ranges from straight to slightly convex. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 35 to 80 mm, Stem Length - 10 to 20 mm, Blade Width - 20 to 40 mm (average 28 to 33 mm), Stem Width - 23 to 38 mm
This point is primarily found in the Ohio River valley, Tennessee River valley, and into the Mississippi River valley.
Conrad is a distinguished anthropologist and Associate Professor of Anthropology at Western Illinois University. This type was identified and named during the archeological survey of the Canton to Quincy corridor of the FAP 407 highway. This type has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.