This is a thick medium (1.75 to 3 inches) triangular to lanceolate expanding stem point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is narrow and slightly excurvate and may vary to straight. The shoulders mar vary from prominent to weak and may range from horizontal to having a slightly upward angle. The stem is broad and short and may varies from straight to slightly expanding. The stem is formed by removing material from the corner of the preform. The base varies from slightly convex to slightly convex and commonly has sharp basal corners. Whatley (2003) notes that commonly one basal corner is damaged duet o use. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 33 to 80 mm (average 39 to 42 mm), Stem Length - 6 to 9 mm (average 7 mm), Blade Width - 18 to 31 mm (average 20 to 23 mm), Neck Width - 12 to 17 mm (average 14 to 15 mm), Stem Width - 13 to 18 mm (average 14 to 16 mm), Thickness - 6 to 10 mm (Whatley 2002).
Most professional references to this type still use the name MALA. However, some publications from the University of Tennessee have adopted the name Allendale for this type.
Sassaman is a distinguished anthropologist and professor at the University of Florida. He serves as archaeologist for the Savannah River Archaeological Program. This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.