This is a long narrow medium to large lanceolate point with an elliptical cross section. Some examples have a median ridge or diamond cross section. The blade long, slender and is excurvate, curving out at the tip and with parallel edges. The shoulders, when present, are weak with a straight stem. The stem, when present, is formed by heavy grinding of the hafting region which forms a slight stemmed appearance. The base primarily straight with a slight indention and has a wedge shape. The flaking pattern may vary from collateral to parallel and oblique flaking and are well made.
Size Measurements: Data Needed
This point is reported in primarily associated with the Kersey Terrance and South Platte River Terrance of northeastern Colorado.
Wheat was an anthropologist and professor at the University of Colorado. He served as curator for the Anthropology Museum at the University of Colorado and was an expert on the Great Plains Paleo Indians. This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.