Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  Edward B. Jelks
Named For:  Lake in Texas
Date Identified:  1962
Type Site:  The Kyle Site, Hill County, Texas
Point Validity: Valid type

Jelks was a distinguished anthropologist and helped organize the newly formed Department of Anthropology at Illinois State University where he was a Professor.  His work in Texas furthered the understanding of Texas archeology and was a founding force for the Society of Historical Archeology.  This point was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is a valid type.
Granbury Ovoid
Variations include Bono, Joshua, and Parker
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a small (1.25 to 1.75 inch) triangular stemmed to expanding stem point with a flattened cross section.  The blade is primarily straight with a sharp tip. The stem is long and slightly expanding.  The base may range from straight to slightly convex.  This point has a random flaking pattern.   
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 20 to 40 mm,  Width - 15 to 25 mm (***Based on few examples and similar Matamoros point***)
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

This is similar to the Matamoros point. However, the Matamoros point has squarer more defined basal corners while this point has rounded basal corners. Similar the the Catan point.

Jelk (1962) notes that this type is similar to the Fresno type. The Gandbury is distinct in it is generally thicker, heavier, and cruder than Fresno.

Jelks recognized three variations of this type which included Bono, Joshua, and Parker variations.
Granbury var. Bono has sharp basal corners
Granbury var. Joshua has rounded basal corners
Granbury var. Parker is narrower and has a longer convex base.
Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found from the Brazos River on the northwest to the Nueces River on the southwest.  A parallel line running south to east 50 to 100 miles of the Balcones Escarpment and northward between Young and Edwards counties.  The heaviest concentrations tend to be in Young County, Texas.

Age / Periods:
Date: 1,300 - 700 B.P.
Cultural Period: Transitional Archaic
Glacial Period: Roman Warm to Vandal Minimum
Age Details:
This type is considered to be a diagnostic type of the Austin Focus (Austin Phase) of the Central Texas Aspect (Jelks 1962).
Similar Points:
Abasolo, Cameron, Catan,  Fresno, Matamoros, Nodena, Padre, Young
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:

Pictures Provided By:

Granbury Projectile Point, Granbury Arrowhead
Bono Projectile Point, Bono Arrowhead
Joshua Projectile Point, Joshua Arrowhead
Parker Projectile Point, Parker Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

30, 182