Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By:  J. Charles Kelley
Named For:  
Date Identified:  1947
Type Site:  Lehman Rock Shelter, Texas
Point Validity: Valid type

Kelley was a distinguished anthropologist who served as Curator of the Archaeological Museum at the University of Texas-Austin and was instrumental in setting up the Department of Anthropology at the University of Texas-Austin.  He specialized in the archaeology of western Texas.  This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references.  This is considered a valid type.
Bulverde Stemmed
Cluster: Terminal Archaic Barbed Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium to large triangular stemmed point with an elliptical cross section.  The blade may vary from excurvate to straight.  The shoulders may range from strongly barbed to slightly barbed.  Re-sharpened examples may have an almost horizontal shoulder.  The stem ranges from straight to slightly contracting.  The base varies from straight to slightly concave.  The stem is rectangular and has basal thinning which gives the stem a thin wedge shaped, but lacks hafting region smoothing.  Most examples are finely flaked with good workmanship.  This point has a random flaking pattern. 
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 45 to 90 mm, Stem Length - 11 to 22 mm (typically 1/3 to 1/4 the total length),  Width - 15 to 20 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

This point is related to the Carrolton point, but lack the smooth stem routinely seen in the Carrolton.  It is similar to the Travis point, but this type is generally broader with more distinct shoulders and a wedged base.  This point has many of the same characteristics of the Pedernales point, only lacking the bifurcated base (Suhm and Krieger, 1954).
Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in central Texas.  This point may be found with decreased frequency into eastern Texas and western Louisiana.  Bell (1958) has place this type rarely into Oklahoma.
Age / Periods:
Date: 5,000 - 3,500 B.P.
Cultural Period: Middle to Late Archaic
Glacial Period: Middle Holocene to Neoglacial
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Buck CreekDelhi, SmithsoniaWade

Pictures Provided By:
Forrest Warren
Samuel Cannon
Walter Williams (Sierra Artifacts)
Western Artifacts
Texas Arrowheads
The Artifact Hunter
Artifact Connection
Rob of the Rock
 Bulverde Projectile Point, Bulverde Arrowhead
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

8, 23, 30, 44, 115, 178