Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:

Name Details:
Identified By:  James A. Roshto
Named For:  Type Site location
Date Identified:  1983
Type Site:  The Old Bascom (abandoned) settlement,  southern Georgia
Point Validity: Collector type

Roshto was an OB/Gyn Physician who was an amateur archaeologist.  He was a member of the Archaeological Society of Georgia.  This type was named in the Central States Archaeological Journal and has many references from collector sources, but lacks professional references.  This is considered a collector type. 
Bascom Contracting Stem
AKA: Rocker Blade
(Collector Type)
Cluster: Ledbetter Stemmed Cluster
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a large triangular contracting stem blade with an elliptical cross section.  The blade is broad and excurvate.  The shoulders are weak to absent and at an upward angle.  The stem is broad, short, and contracting when present with a convex base.  This point has a random flaking pattern with no evidence of pressure flaking along the blade.
Size Measurements:

Total Length - 70 to 170 mm (average 80 to 120 mm),  Stem Length - 11 to 18 mm (average 9 to 11 mm),  Blade Width - 45 to 70 mm (average 48 to 54 mm),  Thickness - 8 to 13 mm.
Commonly Utilized Material:
Primarily coastal cherts and occasionally quartz
Additional Comments:

These points were referred to as Rocker Blades by Bullen for examples he found in Florida.  Bullen felt that they were Morrow Mountain related blades and Cambron and Husle consider the these as Maples points (Schroder, 2013 W18)

It has been suggested that this point is a preform for Savannah River, Pickwick, and Ledbetter type points (Schroder, 2013).
Distribution Comments:

This point is primarily found in southern Georgia and into southeastern Alabama, northern Florida.
Age / Periods:
Date: 4,100 - 3,900 B.P.
Cultural Period: Late Archaic
Glacial Period: Neoglacial
Age Details:
Whatley (2002) notes: "Ken Sassaman (personal communication.1996) estimated the date range at 3900 to 4100 BP for a cache of Rocker Based blades found at the Midden Point site (9BK113) in Burke County, Georgia."
Similar Points:
EloraMaplesMorrow Mountain
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:
Savannah River

Pictures Provided By:
 Bascom Projectile Point, Bascom Arrowhead
Rocker Blade Projectile Point, Rocker Blade Arrowhead
Lloyd Schroder (Peach State Archaeological Society)
River Relics
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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

23, 30, 162, W18