Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:

Name Details:
Identified By:   Gregory P. Hare,  Thomas Hammer, Ruth M. Gotthardt 
Named For:  Continuation of MacNeish's Anderson type
Date Identified:  1978
Type Site:  Annie Lake site, Yukon
Point Validity: Valid type

Hare is a distinguished archaeologist who is instrumental in the development of the Yukon Projectile Point Database and an expert in the Ice Free Corridor archaeology. Hammer conducted studies into the archaeology of northwestern Yukon archaeology and development of the Yukon Projectile Point Database.  Gotthardt is an archaeologist who has conducted studies into Arctic archaeology and development of the Yukon Projectile Point Database.  This point was defined during the development of the Yukon Projectile Point Database and is considered a provisional type. 
Anderson Side Notch
AKA: P3 (Workman, 1978)
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a large triangular to lanceolate side notch point with a random flaking pattern.  The blade is primarily excurvate.  Wide broad notches enter the side of the preform forming a shoulder that ranges from horizontal to having a slight upward angle with and expanding stem.  The base is almost as wide, or slightly narrower, than the blade with a convex base.  This point has a random flaking pattern.   
Size Measurements:

Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:

Hare et al. (2011) note that these points do not appear to have a southern component as suggested by MacNeish.  The points described by MacNeish (1967), were smaller corner notch points.  Workman (1978) continued using this name for these larger side notch points.
Distribution Comments:

This point has been reported at the Annie Lake site and is found throughout the southwestern Yukon and into British Columbia and Alaska.  The full distribution is not known.
Age / Periods:
Date: 1,500 B.P.
Cultural Period: Transitional Archaic
Glacial Period: Roman Warm
Culture: Taye Phase
Age Details:
Similar Points:
AishihikChignik Side NotchDeparture BayLockhart River
Other points in this cluster / Related / Associated Points:

Pictures Provided By:
Anderson Projectile Point, Anderson Arrowhead

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