Wyboo Chert
(Coastal Chert)

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Wyboo Chert is mottled with colors of white to light tan or yellow.


Luster: Dull to vitreous

Translucency:  Opaque to semi translucent

Silica Fabrics / Fossils:  Bryozoans


Heat Treatment:

Knapping:  Ranges from a very low quality material to an "agete like" material


























































Distribution Comments:
Wyboo Chert is primarily found as beds and nodules along Wyboo Creek, Clarendon County, South Carolina and Hicory Landing on Marion Lake, South Carolina.

Wyboo Chert is distinguished by the bryozoans which are characteristic of deeper water formations, unlike Black Mingo Chert from the Lange Syne Formation of the Black Mingo Group which is a shallow water formation.  This is likely associated with the former Snow Hill Marl Member of the Black Creek Formation which has been included in the Peedee Formation.  This formation outcrops on the coastal plains of South Carolina into eastern South Carolina and into North Carolina.
Projectile point made from this material:

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

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Archaeological Context: