Williams Canyon Chert

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color: Williams Canyon Chert ranges from grayish white to gray.




Silica Fabrics / Fossils:


Heat Treatment: 

Knapping:  Produces a conchoidal fracture

























































Distribution Comments:
Williams Canyon Chert is associated with the Williams Canyon Limestone Formation of eastern Colorado.  Primarily occurs as nodules at Cave in Wind, Williams Canyon, Manitou, Manitou Park and Perry Park, along the east slope of Wet Mountains, and along Oil and Millsap Creeks near Cannon City, El Paso County, Colorado.  Also outcrops near Belliah, Pueblo County, South Hardscrabble Creek, Custer County, Priest Canyon, Fremont Canyon, Missouri Gulch, Douglas County, and Gove Canyon, Douglas County, Colorado.
Projectile point made from this material:

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

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Commonly made projectile point from this material:

Archaeological Context: