Ocala Chert
AKA: Jackson Stage Chert
(Coastal Chert)

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Ocala Chert ranges in color from a a white to a cream or tan, yellow, red, and black colors also occur.  Fossil inclusions commonly occur. 

Medium to fine grain

Luster: Dull to waxy

Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils: Fossiliferous including foraminifera, echinoid, bryozoan, mollusk, sponges, corals, and rarely vertebrates.


Heat Treatment:  Heat treatment deepens the color and increases the luster and produces colors of pink, dark red, and orange. white fossil speckles may appear.


























































Distribution Comments:

Ocala Chert is thought to be associated with the Ocala Limestone Formation of the Jackson Group.  It is primarily found as nodules and boulders along the bluffs of Flint River, along the crest of low rolling hills in Burke County, Georgia, and in southeastern Alabama.  Concentrations are found in Houston and Henry counties, Alabama. 


Projectile point made from this material:

Heat Treated

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