Newman Dome Dacite
AKA: Cerro Sin Nombre Dacite
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Newman Dome Dacite ranges from a dark
gray to black with rare aphyric and sanidine phenocrysts, and very small
when present.
Texture: Fine grain
Luster: commonly vitreous
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Patina: dull brown wash
Heat Treatment:
Knapping: Good knapping quality similar
to chert, not as brittle as obsidian.
Distribution Comments:
Newman Dome Dacite is associated with the Taos Plateau Volcanics if New
Mexico occurring as very large and flat nodules (up to 1 meter) around
Newman Dome on the Taos Plateau, New Mexico.

Projectile point made from this material:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context:
Dominate material in the late period Pot Creek
Pueblo assemblage.