Morrison Chert
AKA: Brushy Basin Chert / Burro Canyon Chert
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Burro Canyon
Chert is an opalitic chert. It is variegated ranging from white to
yellow, tan to medium brown, light to medium gray, light to medium green
or shades of red with algae banding or other fossils.
Texture: Very fine grain
Luster: Waxy to vitreous
Translucency: Greens are usually opaque and tans, brown, and gray
are usually varying degrees of transparent
Silica Fabrics / Fossils: Foraminifera,
Heat Treatment:
Knapping: Good knapping quality
Distribution Comments:
Morrison Mudstone is associated with the Burro Canyon Formation and the
Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation

Projectile point made from this material:
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Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context: