Madera Chert
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Madera
Chert ranges from most commonly gray to a pale blue. Colors of red, orange,
white, black, and yellow may also occur. Multiple colors can occur
Texture: Medium to fine grain
Translucency: Opaque
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Heat Treatment:
Distribution Comments:
Madera Chert is associated with the Medera Limestone Formation of
central New Mexico. This chert primarily occurs as nodules and
lenses on the east slopes of the Manzano Mountains (most commonly),
Sandia Mountains (in smaller amounts), and the Caballos Mountains, New
Mexico. Outcroppings also occur about 17 miles east of Pecos near
Las Vegas, New Mexico and along the Pecos and Sapello rivers.
Exposed in the Rote Chert Quarry.

Projectile point made from this material:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context:
This material was quarried at the prehistoric
Rote Chert Quarry.