Liston Creek Chert
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Liston
Creek Chert is mottled and ranges from light grays, yellows, and tans
Texture: Medium to fine grain
Luster: Waxy
Translucency: Opaque
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Heat Treatment: Heat treatment produces
colors of reds, oranges, pinkish hues and increases the luster.
Distribution Comments:
Liston Creek Chert is associated with the Liston Creek Limestone Formation of Indiana. Primary outcroppings are located in Wabasah
and Benton County, Indiana.

Projectile point made from this material:
Pictures Provided By:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Falls Creek Chert
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context: