Four Mile Creek Chert
AKA: Salamonie Chert
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Four
Mile Creek Chert ranges from a pink to an off white, light gray, light
blue, or light bluish gray color. Chalcedony inclusion may be
Texture: Fine grain
Luster: Waxy to vitreous
Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Heat Treatment: Heat treatment produces
colors of blue, purple, red, and pink,
Distribution Comments:
Four Mile Chert is associated with the Salamonie formation of the Laurel
member of Ohio and Indiana. Primary outcroppings are located along
the banks west bank of Four Mile Creek in Preble County, Ohio.

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context:
Used heavily by the Fort Ancient culture.