Flattop Butte Chalcedony
AKA: Flattop Mesa Chert

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Flattop Chalcedony ranges from translucent light to medium gray, to a light brown, pink, blue or lavender with opaque white inclusions, splotches, or mottling.  opaque white to translucent lavender with specks of blue and pink.

Fine grain



Silica Fabrics / Fossils:
Rarely, ostracods may be present


Heat Treatment: 

 Excellent knapping quality


























































Distribution Comments:

Flattop Chalcedony is associated with the Chadron capstone, White River Group and is considered the only high quality material located between central Kansas and Nebraska and into the Rocky Mountain foothills.  Primarily occurs as the capstone for Flattop Butte in the South Platte River drainage of northeastern Colorado. 


Projectile point made from this material:

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):

Indiana Hornstone
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:

Archaeological Context: