Chert de Kitchisipi is associated with the Deschambault Formation of the Trenton Group of Quebec occurring as nodules (up to 30 cm) and beds on the St Lawrence Lowlands Platform between Montreal and Saint-Simeon. Exposures also occur along the Assumption River at Joliette, from the Pont des Dalles for about 3000 feet to the south-east and along the Chicot River at St. Cuthbert, along the Yamachiche River near Les Dalles.
Possibly the same as Kichisipi Chert however it has been attributed to the Gull River Limestone and Chert de Kitchisipi is associated with the Deschambault Formation. Kichisipi Chert only has archeological references to while Chert de Kitchisipi has both archeological references and geological references.