Cashman Quarry Dactite

Natural Form:

Description of Physical Characteristics:

Color:  Dactite is most commonly a light grayish white, but may range to a dark gray

Fine grain

Luster: Dull

Translucency:  Opaque

Silica Fabrics / Fossils: None


Heat Treatment: N/A

Knapping:  Easily knappable

Notes:  Dactite is an intermediate between rhyolite and andesite.  It contains more quartz than andesite and more plaioclase than rhyolite.

























































Distribution Comments:

Dactite is associated with lava flows, domes, dikes, sills, and phyroclastic debris.  Primary outcroppings are located at the Cashman Quarry near Ennis, Madison County, Montana.


Projectile point made from this material:

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